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Everything posted by MontereyMX

  1. god damn signs should be switched between dad and kid lol
  2. yeah that bitch can suck a thousand dicks in front of her mom!
  3. Thanks can I get your moms number…for friend?
  4. where is gameday in relation to this?
  5. Willing to trade ulumni player ticket sec 32 row 26 plus cash to make up difference.
  6. Searching for two tickets to the Alabama beat down. It’s low tide in Atown!
  7. hey muthafucka, thats my line!
  8. can't remember who or the thread, but someone ask @Nicole44 for a pegging. so just maybe but in reverse
  9. nfl percentages say otherwise...just sayin
  10. Diamond Back DB10 is my fav. Multiple 308 rounds down range at over 1/2 mile is fun times
  11. no ain’t no limit. smoke every one of those bitches you can put bullet in
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