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Everything posted by MontereyMX

  1. probably goes in 2025 recruiting but he has a 8th grade son that is a baller. anybody with an in to the program needs to get to Aledo quick!
  2. yepper! nothing better than that concoction over a buttery bed of mashed potatoes...
  3. ..and you deserve a fist in the ass. this is D1 football. no one deserves shit. you earn it!
  4. Are you really Jesus Fucking Khrist Fucking Christ?
  5. dont know the story but i think i heard that the pants are actually illegal by the rules. they continue to wear them because they are grandfathered in. one they stop wearing them its over. or something like this....
  6. fake id market gonna explode down there. have you seen the ticket booth workers?
  7. how in the actual fuck do you get to the drivers seat?
  8. so they actually sway back and forth while there is a man driving that thing 100's of feet off the ground? NOPE!
  9. do those damn cranes wobble in real time? fuck that
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