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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. You'll be in my thoughts. Goes without saying but he must have been proud as hell of all of you.
  2. D'Aaron Fox rumors not going away...
  3. Not my cup of tea personally but different strokes for different folks
  4. We really don't deserve the brave men and women who have been living in the shadows, making our lives better in countless ways.
  5. I understand feeling like you have to have an A-list in the leading role, because that's just how Hollywood works and that's what makes or breaks a feature film in the US market. They got Johntay Cook'd with this hire.
  6. She reminds me of people who I've had the displeasure of working with in the past. If I've got a bias, it's probably because I hate them so much and I'm projecting onto her. Then again I'm trying very hard to find evidence that Baldoni's version is untrue or exaggerated but I just can't find it. So his team has built some credibility with me while LIvely's has not.
  7. He was living in California I believe
  8. I am convinced he didn't set out to become a druglord or to be ordering hits (pretend ones or real ones). Now that I've re-read some of the articles and transcripts relating to his case, I had forgotten that his motive was that he felt like he was being blackmailed and that everyone who'd ever used Silk Road could be exposed to harm. Reminiscent of some of the conundrums Walter White had found himself in on Breaking Bad. Probably understood that he was doing a bad thing for a seemingly noble purpose and preventing what he perceived were much greater harms to a community whose wellbeing he felt responsible for. Is that a viable legal defense? Not to me, but I'd consider it important to a comprehensive discussion of how deserving or undeserving he was of clemency. Is he totally in the clear for non-federal charges or could some other prosecutor go after him?
  9. I hadn't read about any of that. Can you share links about that
  10. That's kind of like what Amber Heard did with WaPo if memory serves?
  11. she will also blame jews
  12. Lively's side released some kind of voice memo thinking it would make Baldoni look bad but judging by the comments and the social media reaction that may have backfired on her.
  13. This stuff is what I meant. Just generally known for being a belligerent drunk. Maybe he never laid hands on Amber Heard, but I'd have a hard time believing he never raised his voice or broke things around her.
  14. Don't take anyone seriously who compares inhabiting a country to breaking into a private domicile. It's not a serious argument.
  15. And of course no alcohol on its own does a few good things as well
  16. Isn't 100 supposed to be the median? Anyway, it's pretty obvious that immigrants as a group have higher IQs (the dumber people don't make it over here), so actually @zacharyman32 is "Low IQ" by immigrant standards.
  17. Thanks. I'm less interested in weight loss than I am in feeling reduced inflammation and the secondary effects that could have
  18. as far as portioning goes, is there a X grams per Y lbs body weight type of rule?
  19. Are there any spices you can't use? I saw salt, pepper, cayenne listed and presumably okay
  20. Yeah this is the part of her narrative that never made sense to me. I've yet to come across any false stories about her being a shitty person. A good PR firm will actively seek out the organic negative comments and videos and then find ways to shine a spotlight on them, find ways to get the algorithms to pick them up, and just get people talking about whatever that thing is that the target doesn't want people talking about. Maybe you remember a few months ago there was an indictment of foreign actors who were paying YouTubers (Tim Pool being one of the biggest ones) without their knowledge, basically as a reward for having the anti-Ukraine or anti-woke opinions that the foreign actors wanted to boost. That's what I believe people like Melissa Nathan are paid to do. They go to forums and comment sections and find the actual people who are already aligned with or telling the narrative they want told, and then they use money and other tools to get those actual people's posts and comments to be seen by more people and more influencers with the hope that the chosen narrative goes viral. At the same time they're using techniques to bury anything that doesn't align with the chosen narrative. If they went around spreading made-up stories about Lively (for example, a made-up story about how she was unfaithful) then I would completely understand filing a lawsuit. But true stories that aren't violating her privacy? I'm sorry but as a professional and as a celebrity, that's always been fair game. You reap what you sow, and if you're a terror on the set or to waiters or to the "little people" in your life, I don't have a shred of sympathy for you when people find out about it. (James Corden and Ellen Degeneres both come to mind). On the flip side, we're being told Baldoni did seriously unprofessional and creepy shit. But instead of coming from multiple sources, it sure seems like we basically need to take Lively's word for it. I think Johnny Depp has a lot of demons and is definitely not a good person nor someone deserving of sympathy or praise, but he was smart to hire a good PR firm. Should I assume Baldoni is as fucked up as Depp just because he also felt like he needed a strong PR team? Nah, I won't do that. They're scummy, hired guns, but what else could he do when he was dealing with that kind of clout being weaponized against him at a time when he thought his directorial career should be taking off? If Lively can prove he's a sex pest in a court of law, he deserves to lose. But if not, I hope he wins a big award.
  21. What kind of meals would you have, how often, and what were the portions if you don't mind me inquiring?
  22. It's hard to know what's being amplified by Nathan and what's organic at this point. I'd imagine both sides are capable of almost anything that's been done before.
  23. There's proof that Baldoni hired that firm as a proactive measure back in 2024, but I don't know if they're still involved or responsible for the current wave of PR. Melissa Nathan (PR firm) is part of his lawsuit against Lively and Reynolds though so I would assume they're still on good terms with one another.
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