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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. Pretty much, but they still help us understand the trends
  2. Only way the GOP gets back the suburbs is if they completely reinvent themselves and purge the racism in the same way that the Dems did, costing them the south for a generation (in truth it has cost them the south for much longer)
  3. We can and we will, as old people die off and the bulk of the growth happens in suburban counties. I'm comfortable saying Williamson County will never go red again. We'll get there soon with Tarrant, Fort Bend, and Hays.
  4. That's a metaphorical dam breaking. When people overcome that mental barrier, the supporters become vocal and the fencesitters become supporters.
  5. this is why nobody has faith in the "free market" People seem to have bought the dip. Now it's at 12.40
  6. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-withdraws-support-gop-pulls-funding-from-black-nazi-mark-robinson
  7. Who did he fight? There were 100,000 possible witnesses come on we should know this by now
  8. Let me clarify a bit. The question was about what economists think will happen if there are more tariffs. Presidents don't need Congress to approve tariffs, which is something Trump took advantage of.
  9. He is correct about tariffs, but the question had nothing to do with Congress.
  10. We didn't integrate, we just ran out of time
  11. If this is the content we need to finally not have the top two threads in the Basketball forum be about the WNBA I am here for it.
  12. Did it blow away the Porsche dealership? No?
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