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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. Their sample was 33/36/31 (D/R/I) https://cdn.atlasintel.org/faa6c9bf-2a46-473f-84e7-0b52ad01884e.pdf They've also said it's 50-48 (Trump) consistently since July In fact, this is the worst result Trump has had with this pollster (sub 50), and the best result Kamala has had (48.1)
  2. What do you have against their free speech? /s
  3. I'm not getting my political takes from a fucking overpriced hippie cereal
  4. Okay, so then the denominator is the target (and not, as "D/R" would suggest, the number of R votes)
  5. I know what the firewall is. I don't know what these numbers mean
  6. Are you saying Rs have a bigger firewall?
  7. It's still early. Young teams are still gonna act like young teams. Win a few you shouldn't, lose a few you shouldn't. Wemby is off his peak performance but he'll get there. I expect them to be in contention for a play-in.
  8. It's those damn microplastics
  9. People say a lot of things, until a higher salary job offer comes knocking
  10. The "sort" thing is real, but a bit overstated. It's economic, not ideological, unless you're someone like Elon Musk.
  11. I always thought of him as a journeyman who maybe stuck around a little too long, but he's likeable and that means something to me especially on teams with a strong emphasis on culture. Pop has always valued that, which is probably why he wanted to bring some veterans in. Even though I hate Chris Paul, I am grateful that he and Harrison Barnes are on the roster to balance out the youth and inexperience. They're guys who've been in many deep playoff runs, and those intangibles pay dividends later in the season. It's true that a 12 point loss to OKC in OKC is nothing to be too ashamed of, but I also agree that the way the team looked while losing is disappointing. If this becomes a habit, I will probably become more vocally critical of the team and Wemby.
  12. He has gained 25 lbs as well, so maybe he's still adjusting his mobility to this new frame
  13. As far as I know she's been tactically avoiding bringing it up, and when it does come up, she has a canned response that sucks. They gamed this out long ago and made a clear choice to avoid the issue as much as humanly possible.
  14. He's got four of his top detectives on it right now down at the Crime Lab.
  15. Kind of shocked it has been this active
  16. Ohio is a lost cause. But we don't know shit about fuck
  17. horseshit can sprout mushrooms, what the fuck is CNN good for?
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