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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/bill-maher-hbo-laura-loomer-donald-trump-defamation-lawsuit-1236040909/
  2. Take money out of politics, pack the court, prosecute Elon (make him serve a max sentence, then deport him) Never gotten bottle service?
  3. Americans only want to know how many hours Kamala worked at McDonalds
  4. Media wanted a horserace. They will have their horserace come hell or high water. Honest folks who don't see politics as team sports have to endure this crap.
  5. Technically true, but it's more technically true that he was a British subject at the time of his birth in April, before Nigeria became fully independent on October 1.
  6. TIL Hugo Weaving is actually British
  7. He has no paths if he loses NC, right?
  8. I agree. I'm just explaining how she could get them if she ever needed them.
  9. Speaking of crazy, whatever happened to Laura Loomer? Did they bury her at Mar a Lago?
  10. Couldn't she FOIA her own W-2 from the IRS
  11. I would like to know her qualifications, actually.
  12. Same. But that was like, egregious, consistent, AND consistently egregious. I've still never seen anything like it.
  13. username no longer checking out
  14. I liked what I saw in Travis and Bexar counties, so long as the right folks have been showing up. That's why it's hard to say what these numbers mean, especially somewhere like Fort Bend.
  15. Here's some lunchtime analysis of Texas early vote data and what it could mean about enthusiasm Day One 2020 vs. Day One 2024 Nine populous Blue-ish Counties (no data yet for Hays and Williamson) Eight populous Red Counties (no usable data yet for Bell, Lubbock, or Smith) Not sure what to make of this data. If I get a chance I might try and drill down and see which precinct's voters were showing up in Tarrant, Fort Bend, Collin, and Denton counties. But if we're using this as a way to estimate voter enthusiasm, these shifts don't line up much with the narrative that Trumpy areas are less motivated to get out and vote. I'm limiting all this to Texas, of course.
  16. Those numbers are horseshit, but remember that stupidity and reactionary impulses are not cured simply by being a member of a persecuted group. On top of that, there's plenty of Muslim Americans who hate Gaza and Lebanon for reasons that make sense only to them. I mean, for Christ's sake, Christian Walker exists.
  17. This is what I've been saying! Normal people have learned to stop giving Trump attention, both positive and negative. She should be shouting from rooftops about olds no longer being stuffed in nursing homes, and for some reason she has not been.
  18. The buffer is based on partisan data, not total votes.
  19. If I'm being honest, a bad call of that magnitude being rushed with the beneficiary lined up to snap the next play, my opinion of the fans and their trashiness would depend very much on their preexisting reputation and whether anyone got hurt. I would probably feel the same if this had happened to Michigan at the Big House, for example, but it really just depends on context and execution.
  20. This was far more dangerous than throwing water bottles into the field, but the SEC only fined them $100k and didn't demand any full-scale investigations of perpetrators. https://whnt.com/news/sec-fines-vanderbilt-100k-after-fans-rush-field-tear-down-goal-post-following-victory-over-alabama/
  21. But if they can't prove it, he'll walk.
  22. To be fair, from a voter enthusiasm standpoint, 2020 is a crazy moment to compare 2024 to because TFG was in office and people were highly motivated to get him the fuck out, especially since there was a life-altering global pandemic that he was royally fucking up. We all feel like covid is collectively behind us, but taking all that into consideration, the fact that some of these blue counties are shattering Day One EV records is pretty impressive.
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