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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. DQ service quality varies dramatically, and I mean DRAMATICALLY, from location to location. Generally, the Mayfield DQs in the Austin area are excellent.
  2. I definitely have.
  3. Mayfield gang rise up
  4. There has to be some penalty for fucking up the trial.
  5. they replaced him with that italian guy
  6. You must be an accomplished mathematician
  7. Yeah, I was more upset by the Zarzamora one. But it still is a sad trend.
  8. https://www.mysanantonio.com/food/article/dairy-queen-jackson-keller-san-antonio-19860569.php
  9. They're gonna print money
  10. After he left we stayed up probably to 4 still drinking, just posing all these hypotheticals about what we'd just witnessed. No smartphones in those days, and I don't even think he knew what city in Florida this guy was in. So I guess once he pulled up to Florida he would have to ask around "hey can you help me find this guy" and I'm not sure what information he could even provide, since the incoming call was made with that girl's phone. Like I said, he did not think this through. At all.
  11. He didn't think that far ahead. Probably stopped a few times for gas, smokes, and to take the occasional piss. He probably also was drinking the whole way, listening to ICP. But that memory of him allowing some guy to upset him so much that he dropped everything he was doing and made a beeline to Florida will always stick out to me. Perhaps that's how all Florida Men come into existence.
  12. "Pay no attention to my monthly recurring donation to America First PAC and the flags on my truck. I can't rule out the possibility that next week I'll have a massive stroke that completely changes my personality. Since there's still a metaphysical possibility that I might vote for someone other than Trump, I'm undecided."
  13. I have witnessed a guy take an incoming cell phone call at 1AM while we were all drinking and shooting the shit on a Hyde Park apartment balcony and get so worked up (over some girl) that he threatened the caller (somewhere in Florida), jumped in the car, and rage-drove from Austin to Florida to try and find the guy, who was a complete stranger, and kick his ass for the sin of dating the girl. One of those Juggalo-adjacent early-00s low-IQ nu metal enjoyers. Crazy dude, I'm sure he's been in and out of prison by now.
  14. Tough talk from a piece of shit abuser of women
  15. Because he lost credibility and shifted right
  16. Taking too long to actually answer the questions. Don't need to hear about her mom or her upbringing anymore.
  17. on top of that they don't get tariff'ed like their foreign counterparts
  18. I'm surprised our resident True Crime expert hasn't weighed in
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