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About Mileslong

  • Birthday October 29

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  1. Deserves better than your sorry ass.
  2. Thank god you have the time to police every thread on this site.
  3. Does this guy look like one of the Inventors of heavy metal?
  4. Yeah, so he can go fuck himself…
  5. Thought this was cool, one of the most iconic music videos ever.
  6. George Jones outside Billy Bobs along with a Ford Falcon in the background
  7. At what point during this Orange idiots term is he going to put forth the idea of putting him on Mount Rushmore?
  8. I’m very close to throwing up. I’m beginning to hate this country and I never thought I would say that.
  9. One of my favorite music icon photos. Jim Morrison at his apex. And while searching for it, I got a rather ominous message from Google at the bottom of the last image.
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