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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. That’s running into the kicker? Yeah full steam
  2. Squint all you want you can’t overturn that
  3. Still waiting on flag even after extra point
  4. There’s no fucking way it’s an int
  5. Lmao I wish Campbell had been talking when he scored
  6. Man the announcing crew sound like they are to cry after that pick
  7. No, Sweat should have broken though and made the play, that’s on him not the refs
  8. Yeah that wasn’t a hold on sweat right Hobbs ?
  9. What the hell does “no fear, no doubt” mean?
  10. Hobbes thinks that was a great officiating job, very evenly called.
  11. I’ve seen almost every one since the 70’s. This is approaching 1997 Baylor, 2015 Okie State level
  12. Um PI on Texas No PI on State Hand on shoulder and guy turns back and it’s called Not a single penalty called on state obviously holding. There is NEVER a game where one team gets every penalty and the other gets zero
  13. Campbell could eat an apple through a picket fence
  14. Um he never touched the ground and clock running?
  15. No it wasn’t, he was in his shoulder then the defender turned his back.
  16. He turned his fucking back you cocksuckers
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