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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. Neither have fingers as long as Charlie Strong however…
  2. The most un-athletic fat turd I have ever seen. Nice mullet and mom jeans.
  3. Fucking Greg Davis play, throw it 3 yards when you need six.
  4. It was shoulder to shoulder and slid up to helmet, it’s physics not a fucking penalty
  5. You’re seriously not calling a hold on that punt return?
  6. Here is their God, winning a gold medal for sand volleyball.
  7. No I liked them all just didn’t like this last one near as much.
  8. I thought this was, by far, the worst of the recent Star Wars series like Mandalorian, Bobba Fett, Obi Wan and Andor.
  9. I didn’t think k I would care as much as I did today. I don’t even get pissed when the Cowboys lose anymore and I hate for the horns to lose but I don’t scream at the TV anymore. But today just pissed me off. It wasn’t even the early losses but rather choking away those leads today really puts in a bad mood.
  10. Europe can’t miss a putt. The green speed makes the biggest difference of anything. Slap some damn lead tape on your damn putters
  11. You’re an idiot, he plows into the WR without tuning his head before the ball arrived. It’s interference anyway you look at it. Try again
  12. I haven’t watched this yet but if there are 110lb girls kicking 200lb guys asses I’m not watching it.
  13. I’m still fucking mad over picking up that flag. If that’s not PI what is?
  14. That is the most fucked up non call Ive seen in a while
  15. I hate the fade on critical plays like that or fourth downs.
  16. Isn’t it about time for a holding penalty against dallas?
  17. You’re seriously going to let a QB with no fucking eyebrows beat you?
  18. Nine penalties in one half. Refs really flexing today
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