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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. Johnny jolly making another appearance
  2. I fucking love weisner, runs tough and makes people miss
  3. He just kicked him in face and no flag
  4. Our punter is the only person on this team that would have kicked that into the end zone
  5. They aren’t going to flag him for that shit?
  6. That’s right do your johnny jolly dance while behind you idiot
  7. Unless Blues foot is as long as Charlie Strongs finger that’s a TD
  8. Lmao, the Case crazy legs run
  9. This is so aggy. They want a penalty called on the Texas band lulz
  10. I’m so fucking glad Colo lost again. The most overrated team in college football.
  11. Well Petty is gone, I don’t what the hell I’m going to do when Gilmour, Neil Young and Springsteen go…
  12. Watching the Gilmour interview now, in heaven
  13. Disagree, looks like two teams wearing their jammies. Unless the color is white, you shouldn’t wear the same color jerseys and pants. This has been true since the first football game was played between Australopithecus Afarensis v. Robustus… Afarensis won on penetrations BTW…
  14. Thought this was a pretty cool story.
  15. https://www.christies.com/en/events/jeff-beck-the-guitar-collection/what-is-on#highlights
  16. Jeff Becks window is auctioning off all his gear including his pedalboard
  17. I may have listed this somewhere in the past but if you haven’t seen please watch it. Got to be one of the tightest bands ever. I put it here because of the virtuoso performance by a guy named Brandon Miller. And the lead singer is unreal. I wanted to learn this guitar part then after hearing it I decided it would be better to just quit altogether…
  18. What a great song off his new album with his daughter Romany singing lead. This could be a deep house hit…
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