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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. Ancer and Wolfe say they look forward to see other countries and cultures when they play venues overseas. BDC can’t say that, instead he puts it this way. saying “I would like to showcase my skill set around the world for people to see” What a douchebag, Jesus Here’s more: “Golf is a force for good,” DeChambeau said. “As time goes on, hopefully people will see the good they’re (the Saudis) doing. And what they’re trying to accomplish, rather than looking back at the bad that’s happened before.” I guess by “before” he means last week
  2. One issue which occurred is prevalent among adult hit tv series. They always start off season 1 with a bunch of nudity with hot women. Then the shows becomes popular, the little known actresses suddenly become famous and start making demands which includes little to no nudity going forward. This has happened here, game of thrones, Rome and others.
  3. Fucking lulz…new colors and teams to root for!
  4. I love how you characterize the rights of a woman over her own body as a pet issue and that it is the equivalent of a marginal tax rate difference…
  5. Um why play the season, just mail us the trophy…
  6. They couldn’t LIV without each other
  7. This guys can’t go join the DP Tour because that would mean they can’t spend more time with their families. I mean that’s the reason they are jumping right?
  8. Yeah, I heard it live at his presser…
  9. Great finish, heartbreaker for Will. He keeps knocking on the door of these majors, just a matter of time.
  10. This coming from someone who now wears a Team Hotballs T-Shirt.
  11. These LIV players from the US want to spend more time with their families, that’s why they are going to join the European tour lmao…
  12. You seem to be missing my point. My point being that there is this strange phenomenon happening which is bringing more divisiveness into a sports issue for strictly political reasons. If the PGA hasn’t move the PGA championships venue, this pro Saudi movement would be cut by about 75%. Its bringing in people who don’t even follow golf. They’re are suddenly interested in labor laws and the rights of independent contractors.
  13. Fair enough, but everyone of them had other reasons which are insincere at best. Regarding families, BDC said he was doing it for his family err future family. That’s a first. They’re already rich and went to be richer, ok, just don’t sugarcoat it with this growing the game, spend more time with the family bs. Just say what it is, everyone has a price and they sold their legacy’s for that price. They also need to be honest about why the Saudis are doing it, it’s not to affect positive change, they aren’t changing Sharia Law. It’s to try to get the world to forget about their favorite pastime which is cutting peoples heads off. The other thing they won’t be honest about is Greg Norman’s reason for doing this. He wants to take the PGA down, period .
  14. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I’m an independent who quit voting. You guys just can’t hide your true colors
  15. I’ve dug a hole? Explain? I’m asking you a question, how will LIV grow the game? There are already tours in the countries that LIV plays.
  16. Lol ok. So you believe LIV will grow the game?
  17. All I asked was one simple question, you’re the one blowing it out of proportion. By calling me names. I didn’t call you names. Just please answer my question, it will give some perspective on the topic and I’ll shut up about it
  18. 512 must be your IQ. Your post looks like it was penned by a teenager…
  19. What’s worse than the holier than though people are the people who pretend they like golf and are defending the saudis, not thinking the LIV players aren’t greedy, think they PGA is boring and stale etc etc etc. When the only fucking thing that really matters to them is that the PGA snubbed Trump for his role in the insurrection. He has now jumped on the SGL bandwagon ONLY because they snubbed him. Now all his cult members are suddenly golf fans and think this is all the PGA’s fault. Just admit it, you voted for trump. It saves us all from the justifying BS
  20. Holy cow this made me laugh, can this be real? https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce36-b-u2m2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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