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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. I can’t believe he is driving again after that accident. Setting aside the fact that he seems like he is a bad driver.
  2. Fender factory floor old school
  3. Wow trading with Philly? They want Smith Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. “I love him like my brother, i love him like my mom had him” - jaylon waddle Throw pillow material
  5. Why do they have bimbos doing anything on draft day? “Jefferson totally crushed it last year!” God shut up
  6. KC at the Music Mill Theatre at Six Flags, 1977. Along with Crazy Way for good measure
  7. Leave me the fuck out of your conversations little bitch
  8. Maybe they took it out of context when he said he would hit that...
  9. Hayden Christensen is so wooden, he is an affront to puppets everywhere. First actor that came to mind was Keanu yet I always enjoy seeing him on film, can’t explain that. I agree that the main problem is his voice inflection. A good actor that can almost make a good performance bad due to his voice alone is Kevin Costner. Every time he tries an accent it’s horrible.
  10. Wow I hadn’t thought about Tenison Park since the late 80’s. My most vivid memory is playing on the course that was closest to I-30. It was middle of August and cooking, hardly anyone on course. I was playing with a buddy and while on the fairway we heard a rustling in the bushes and this big black dude (no racist) came out wearing fatigues! We were a bit nervous as he came out of the woods toward us then we spotted that he had two huge clear plastic bags full of golf balls. He asked if we wanted to buy some balls and I was like “of course man, I’ll buy all you want” lulz. It must have left like Vietnam in the jungle
  11. This is the prudent thing to do. I’ve never thought the Cowboys were good enough in rounds 2 and 3 to acquire multiple picks there while passing on a first rounder that could help immediately. Pittsburgh and Baltimore almost always stay put and take the best player at the position they need and they are constantly competitive. Stay put and take Slater or Surtain, if they are gone, take the next highest player on their board sans QB and move on. Moving down for multiple 3rd, 4th and 5th round picks in the future is maddening.
  12. Joe Walsh and the Measles. Kent State, 1966
  13. Mileslong

    Led Zeppelin

    This is Jimmy Page performing on TV at age 13 in color. This NOT John Bonham playing drums... https://fb.watch/4KcSizCZA1/
  14. They are following the tried and true Gilligan’s Island storyline... Gilead- Gilligan, hmmm
  15. Yep. Kind of like early Jimmy Page, no telecaster ever sold as many les Paul’s. Bunch of young guitarists thinking that’s what they were hearing.
  16. I believe that is backstage at the Secret Policeman’s Ball around 1980. If you’ve never listened to that live album it’s excellent...
  17. My favorite Seger song, always puts me in a good mood and makes me want to hit the highway...
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