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Certifiably Surly
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8939 Surly 1%


  • Birthday May 14


  • Title
    Confusionist Supreme

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  1. So sick of this shit. Why can't people just behave and be decent, or at least keep themselves out of situations where they can be accused?
  2. With aggy and lawyers involved, gentlemen are nowhere to be found...
  3. aggy made a handshake deal with the lawyers for less.
  4. Tag teaming a sheep is how they bond on collieville.
  5. Yep, the clickity-clack has already begun...
  6. Ðammit, I'm as nervous as a pregnant nun at mass...DAYUM!
  7. Been there, this is truth...
  8. All the complaining and short memories you would think some of you assholes miss the Herman and "Longfinger" days...what the hell is wrong with you?
  9. No sheep? TURDITION WHOOP!
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