Well here goes nothing. People, family members,sons and daughters who have no idea that their dear old mom and pop have no fucking business driving any longer. I went to Walmart yesterday and had loaded my groceries into my pickup and was returning the cart to the corral when a blue hair tried to pull in besides my truck. I had to jump back to keep her from running over me. Then to make matters loose, she continued to pull up alongside my truck on the passenger side, clipping my rear bumper with her front bumper and then her mirror dru alon the bed of the truck. She continued on, pulling completely through the parking space and clear through the next one in front of her. She then kept jockeying for position to try to get in the space in front of me. I had tried to wave her down and even triggered the alarm on my key fob to try to get her attention. I finally got her to stop and asked her, "you do fucking realize you just hit my GD truck don't you"? I get a puzzled look and a "no". I told her she needed to park way the hell away from everyone if she couldn't drive any fucking better than that. Left 4 big paint streaks on my truck, and being an old, yes she was driving a ficking Buick.
I was honestly ashamed afterwards about how I went off on her but damn man, there's no excuse for that shit.