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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. Nowhere near as nice as Bilbo Baggins...
  2. ...and "scoop" that low? wtf?
  3. It's Fred Sanford?
  4. Does he even realize this is Surlyhorns?
  5. Misspelled King dammit!
  6. My vote? Death, hell and destruction...and it gets even better in quarters 2 thru 4.
  7. He took some hellacious hits today. He won't survive the season.
  8. My man Quinn can do that...... left handed
  9. The presentation maybe, and the choice of posting it in this thread, but the verses are Biblically based and they are not.
  10. Too early... I'm missing something...somebody get me a bloody Mary stat.
  11. Nope
  12. Head like a bastard cat....
  13. Good lord the lab must have been on cock-eyed fire.
  14. Raking
  15. Nailed it!
  16. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    That's what will happen to Kansas tomorrow, destroyed like a hospital shitter.
  17. Any relation to the great Indian warrior "Buffalo Nipples"?
  18. Hy Zeus, flung any good lightening bolts lately? How about any thunderous dumps?
  19. Drinking heavy again?
  20. *making
  21. From deep in the piney woods... FIGHT
  22. So it's taking the b12 what, 6 new teams to try to make up for Texas and ousux leaving?
  23. I'll take the under.
  24. One boy short of a full load? Or was it brick?
  25. I'm batting 1.000, and they left out a bunch that could have been included.
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