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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. Bbbbut, how much Don't you care?
  2. Bullshit...
  3. God Bless man...
  4. This reminds me of someththat I wish I had still forgotten. When I was in elementary school my best friend in the world was the son of the Hispanic Baptist minister. We had just been picked to play LL baseball together. His fathers church was across the street from our little 3 room house and their parsonage was one block down. Being best friends with a Hispanic kid was pretty much frowned upon back then.He had a large family, 8 brothers and sisters all of whom were great people. I awoke one Saturday morning with my dad telling me he needed to have a serious talk with me. Turns out the pastor and his whole family had gone to a Baptist conference in San Antonio Friday night and on the way back had been hit head on by some asshole driving on the wrong side of the road. Everyone was killed except my friend, and his next older brother. I refused to believe it and rode my bicycle to their house. I sat on their front porch waiting for them, crying and praying until dark when my father finally convinced me to come home. I saw his brother Alex at Alto Frio Baptist encampment a few years later. He was severely handicapped, unable to ever use his legs again. I never saw my best friend Ricky again. It reminds me of the Eagles song, End of The Innocence, because mine damn sure died that day. Ricky, Alex, if you're still out there, I love you guys...
  5. And that guys name was SHOOTER12...
  6. Much love to you and the family brother.
  7. Wish I could rep more than once...excellent!
  8. Yu Suk Long? Damn I've heard of you.
  9. Who the hell is YMLA? Never heard of them.
  10. Why are we citing Biden? no CR.
  11. Glenn Fray?
  12. We're all in the dark on that scenario.
  13. From the bowels of hell known as Nastydouches.. FIGHT
  14. I believe you 1000%, but was thinking how the word slush has negative connotations. aggy would love going to the NCAA saying looky, looky we told you. All apparently easily disproved but could still be a major pain in the ass. But sounds like you've got your bases covered. Maybe I'm just a little paranoid this early in the morning, lol.
  15. I would take the term "slush fund" out of your post.its innocent WE know but some of the IR8, or aggy will report it as proof the Longhorns are doing something shady or illegal. See: Blacklab vs. Daiquiri maggot, and the phrase "tree-fiddy".
  16. I'm a psyco, away with the almonds, damned vile demon seeds.
  17. This reminds me of a guy from my hometown I knew as a kid. I went to school with his son but knew very little about his family, other than his father was really old. Somehow my classmate came up at the dinner table on night and I mentioned how old his father was. It was then my dad explained about severe alcoholism and smoking and the effects it had on a persons appearance. I was only about 6 or 7 at the time, so I didn't really give it much thought. I didn't see my classmates friend again for 4 years or so, and when I did I was very confused. He looked like a young man.(he was only around 32.) When I mentioned it to my dad he explained why we hadn't seen him in so long, he had gone away to dry out. To this day I still see his transition as miraculous.
  18. ...by a woman anyways. I'm sure they get laid a lot otherwise.
  19. Damn, I thought you were way younger than that. On behalf of all our members...welcome to The Olds Club!
  20. Rapelor=Brazos Reform School West aggy=Brazos Reform School East
  21. Truth..I was working security at the annual THSCA blow out in 76 or 77. Grant Teaff was the featured speaker. Unfortunately had to spend way more time around him than I wanted for sure. I've never met a more arrogant narcissistic bastard in my life. He walked around looking down his nose at everyone like he was waiting for the coaches to kiss his ring. I witnessed on several occasions where he refused to even acknowledge when people spoke to him. The fact that later in the evening he was surrounded by a few hundred slobbering drunk coaches made me laugh at his holier than thou ass.
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