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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    Check username: I'd shoot the sob.
  2. You know how we know you are gay? On a side note, he has to be adopted, there's no way that ugly mofo came from between those legs.
  3. Yeah, lol, it hasn't come back up. since I adked.
  4. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    I'm getting slow sometimes for reasons I won't disclose at this point.
  5. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    It's Bob Stoops endorsed and approved so I'm sure you'll be fine....or not. Might have to change your username though.
  6. Will it be faster, more efficient etc etc? Also you nention iPhone, so doesit have an app for android also?
  7. You should be negged for this. One humble brag per post please...
  8. I'm getting a pop-up directing me to "install Surly". Is this legit, an upgrade or what?
  9. I do know one thing after watching the game replay this morning. The receivers and backs had better stay alert and one their toes. If one of Maliks' fastballs gets past their hands they will look like the had been hit by a 40mm grenade launcher.
  10. You're a sick, sick man Horndog.....username etc etc.
  11. Baylor lost to TSU? Wyatt, I am rolling...
  12. Was 1st, it was unrepped when I saw it but I type slow as hell on this damned phone.
  13. Dammit, I'm the first to +rep this post? Have you fuckers lost your dicks?
  14. Don't know why, but I feel today was part of a 4 level chess game.
  15. Sooo, who's got your balls in their pocket this week? Your kids or your wife?
  16. Dammit man I'm trying g...I picked a bad day to quit Xanax.
  17. lol, they just showed two women holding up a sign that read "give me 3 more points" (69)
  18. "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play, today"
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