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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. Also highly recommended is a chinaberry switch and a strong right arm.
  2. Law be damned...the bitch would die a horrendous death.
  3. Wow, talk about a communist background, that's just un-American.
  4. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    "Hello, I'm Mr Meniscus, we'll be getting to know each other very well in the coming months, take care".
  5. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    G'damn bro, good luck with that!
  6. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    IMO, the MRI is critical. DRs fucked around with diagnoses for YEARS. When they finally(insurance) decided to pay for the MRI, it was way, way too late. Drs response? "Oops my bad, no way of knowing without an MRI. When I finally went for the MRI I still ran into problems, insurance decided they wouldn't cover it after all. I expected as much is why I had 5G in my pocket when I went. I told the financial responsibility officer, " here's 5G, we're doing this damned MRI TODAY!. TLDR, insurance paid, still fucked physically.
  7. Whut the hell is gone on round heah? WTF???
  8. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    Be damned sure, i.e. second opinion. My left shoulder was misdiagnosed as such for years.....until it started coming out of joint every time I hit a pothole.
  9. Yes sir, same here. Funny looking back on it. Can you imagine the reaction today when a lobby full of patients noticed all the doctors and other professionals walking around with a cigarette in their mouth?
  10. I remember looking at some of my oldest sisters yearbooks and in the back section where sponsors and donors had photos of them and their businesses and seeing our family doctor sitting at his desk smoking a cigarette.
  11. Misspelled panocĥa. Earthing better with panocĥa.....
  12. Tried to post an article here but alas, I suck. The article was about NIL and different schools being notified that there could be problems with how they are implementing it. The lead in was basically that there was a "new sheriff" (NCAA) in town and schools had better be paying attention and watch for arrogant reactions. It mentioned aggys cocky attitude, and also mentioned how UT had a reaction completely opposite from aggy, i.e. respectful, professional and attentive. Any of you assholes see that article floating around?
  13. Folks who constantly change or modify thread titles.
  14. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    Funfunfun... Most of all, GOOD LUCK!
  15. If they are/were serious they wouldn't even consider that shithole.
  16. Nothing against the deceased, but this is my late boss to a "T". One year before he passed he had a "non-accident" when leaving his house for work he ran off a curve and jumped a ditch because he dropped his phone. Broke his back and lived out his last 10 months in hellacious pain. NCSB.
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