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Certifiably Surly
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Sbbruin last won the day on May 31 2019

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22,260 Surly 1%

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  1. totally off topic, but how was living in Warsaw? And how hot were the Polish chicks?
  2. I developed esophageal cancer in 2022. I thought alcohol may have been a contributing factor. But my doc says no, not likely. Alcohol consumption tends to result in squamous cell esophageal cancer. I developed adenocarcinoma, which is more closely associated with acid reflux, which I did suffer from. Of course for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is my body can't handle it to any significant degree now that I have only half my stomach and just a part of my esophagus left, I've cut it WAY back, to almost nil.
  3. Yeah, I'm not saying it determined the outcome of the game, but it was 100% targeting.
  4. Nice day in Pasadena. But this is an ass whoopin'
  5. She really is. That’s why last night, knowing I only have a couple more days with my boy before he heads back to Boston, and living 10 minutes away, I pulled the trigger on a couple of crappy seats. Been to a dozen + Rose Bowls. Why stop now.
  6. It’s code. I used my enigma machine to translate. And damn that shit is funny.
  7. It’s almost New Year’s, so of course the weather here is nice. A little chilly tomorrow, but New Year’s Day is looking glorious. May have to pick up seats for the game.
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