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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Yeah, that's the one element of this thing that perplexes me. I get wanting to keep it on the downlow, but not getting other teams involved was criminal. Word is Harrison was pushing for Knecht AND Reaves as well, but Pelinka takled him out of that. If this were a "market deal" (which rarely exists for superstars), they both would've have gone, if someone else didn't up it even higher.
  2. Yeah I’m stunned by this trade. What a deal for the Lakers.
  3. Did Park City yesterday. It was kinda perfect hard pack. Super smooth and fast.
  4. I got a notice from Edison a couple of hours before the fire that they were cutting power to the area. I booked a hotel for my wife and daughter and I was just planning on staying in the dark with candles and flashlights. Thank god I booked the room because when we bolted, we had a place to go to. Aren’t we all headed there?
  5. Sbbruin

    Fire Aid

    This is Woodstock level.
  6. Sbbruin

    Fire Aid

    Did I just miss the thread on this? This is the best thing I've ever seen.
  7. Yeah, you would need your own supply. Like a 2,000 gall underground tank.
  8. Magic is going to focus his efforts on Altadena. West Altadena is an area that is very diverse, as it was one of the few areas in early LA where redlining wasn't taking place. So you have generations of black families where the bulk of the wealth is in their house. They are going to need a lot of help, and protection from predators.
  9. Mark Walter, lead owner of the Dodgers, the Mark Walter Family Foundation, and the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation, are contributing $100 million towards relief efforts. Say what you will about the Dodgers, but that is a serious contribution. Magic Johnson and Casey Wasserman also heavily involved.
  10. Bruins up 10 on SC. Need to kick dirt in their bitch faces.
  11. My wife and I drove through upper Altadena west of Lake this afternoon. The destruction is complete there. I mean blocks and blocks and blocks of utter and complete devastation, with not one house standing. And then drove through other areas closer to us and still just mass destruction. It is incomprehensible how bad it is. I can’t absorb it. It’s surreal. Whatever people in Texas think it is, it’s a million times worse.
  12. Bruins v Washington PAC 12, er Big 10, after dark. That just doesn’t sound right. FS1.
  13. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DE-lGN7S7hW/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
  14. Hydrants are not designed to battle widescale wildfires burning through neighborhoods. The winds and the speed of spread was just way to much to battle. And air drops weren't possible in those winds
  15. 100% assessment complete. Eaton Fire damage totals:
  16. We may be thugs and Los Vatos Locos, but we ain't Nazis.
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