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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Off topic, but it is going to really fuck CFB when rosters are determined strictly by how much you can pay players. Great for Texas, but 90% of FBS schools can’t compete in that world. tOSU has spent $13.5 mil so far. That’s not how this should work. Let the NFL be the highest bidder league. Fuck, take away the salary cap for all I care. But for college rosters to be determined by how much you can play players just isn’t right and will ultimately really hurt the game when fans throw in the towel vs donating to pay players. I kick in, but peanuts relatively speaking. It just isn’t worth it knowing it won’t make a difference. End rant.
  2. The 4 teams still playing, for starters.
  3. So much so there's rumors aswrlin' that Chip may leave UCLA for the Seahawks OC job. It is well known he hates recruiting. He hates it way more now, especially since we don't have the swinging dick wallet Texas has.
  4. Texas is the only CFP team with the same coach still.
  5. My chariots swing low on occasion and you get that little startle when they first touch the water. At 56 they don't stay high and tight like they used to.
  6. I was grabbing my nuts the whole time I was watching that.
  7. Now THIS requires a live stream. Could top them all.
  8. We used to do once a week family dinner at one of those old school PHs way back in the day.
  9. I can't even allow myself to think about the level of imbecility in America. It is so disheartening. Part of me thinks, "well, at least my kids will be at the upper end of the food chain given the regardedness of America." But then I stop and think about how sad it is that we've arrived here.
  10. Bump. I was on an immunotherapy drug (Opdivo) the first half of '23, and it quite literally ripped me a new asshole, or at least plenty of holes in my colon. Had to stop the Opdivo, but the uclerative colitis, which had always been held in check with Remicade, has been fucking me up to no end for months and months. Tried all manner of steroids with little relief. So after chasing various solutions, the next step is to drop the remicade (which I've been taking for almost 2 decades and which works wonders on my ankylosing spondylitis) in favor of Rinvoq, which treats both AS and UC. But it does lead to clotting, and having been diagnosed with having had a stroke sometime in June, there is a concern there. God I'm a fucking mess. Even though it appears the cancer is in remission, the fallout has been brutal. And although it's only January, I think I have the shart thread all locked up for '24. In no way do I document all my misgivings, but suffice it to say numerous underwear have been tossed, at work and otherwise. FML.
  11. It's like that "Real Sex" show that used to be on HBO. It would cover various deviant topics, but the common thread was the participants were all fugly.
  12. Sbbruin


    It works OK. Slept decently last night. No real side effects. Still wake up a lot at night, but am able to go back to sleep.
  13. Especially with the prevalence of fentanyl. I don’t know how you fuck around with most drugs these days with fentanyl everywhere. Gone are the days when the only shit in your coke was baby laxative or baking soda. Ah the good ol days.
  14. Who announces farts on a plane? The crop dusting walk to the back of the plan to get to the restroom is the proper protocol.
  15. Word is he can't pay the ad bills he's already racked up, so that's why they canceled him.
  16. Poor UDub. Poor @flatdawgs. I get it though. The stars absolutely had to align perfectly for UW to get to the CFP champ game. Bama already has one foot in the door before the season starts.
  17. Yes, Cronin is still the right guy. He's just struggling to coach up the young guys and Euros.
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