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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Lost 4 of 5 starters including P12 POY Jaquez (who is tearing it up in Miami). Young and really pretty untalented bunch of athletes who can't shoot. Tragic. I'm going on Sunday. May be the worst team this century for UCLA. Correction, it IS the worst team this century.
  2. Despite having their NIL game in order, I think a lot of older coaches are really getting burned out on recruiting being an NIL bidding war. He used to just say "come to Bama. We kick ass every year and send dozens of players to the league." Now he has to tie $$ to it. Not that there wasn't some hanky panky going on before, but just everyone now has their hand out.
  3. Just assume they’re all farts. What’s the worst that could happen?
  4. Been dealing with ulcerative colitis so already making my excuses, but suffice it to say I had to throw away my underwear at work today.
  5. And glad to hear everyone is at the least on the mend. Have my second set of scans in a month. Doing good except the immunotherapy induced colitis has been a bit debilitating. In fact I need to head over to the shart thread for to get my 2024 mark on the board.
  6. After a minor hemorrhoidectomy (which I got from chemo induced constipation) a year ago, I went home and couldn’t pee. Ended up back at the City of Hope ER and had to get the catheter. Had to have that fucker for a week. Lots of fun emptying out your pee bag several times a day. Do not ever want that again.
  7. Sbbruin


    I was prescribed restoril, which I will take tonight for the first time. Supposed to be pretty powerful, so I need to be careful. No booze for sure. But I need it. My sleep has been terrible.
  8. And so it ends. I’ll miss this conference.
  9. And here we stand as the Starco Brands LA Gronk Bowl world champions! Banner time!
  10. "We need to get over it. I know I'm over it, and I just found out about it."
  11. I got boosted recently. Wife and daughter did not. They have covid. I do not.
  12. Doesn't look like they're skimping on the butter.
  13. Yeah, I took my 4% 30 year to a 2.75% 15 year. Only paying about $200 more/month but LOVE seeing that principal shed away each month.
  14. '23 was a bad year for me. I'm not optimistic about '24.
  15. Sorry for Texas, but now would love to see the PAC win it all in its last season.
  16. Entirely unrealistic to think at full speed they’ll get 99.9% right. Damn if 80% right isn’t what continues.
  17. I know I’ll get shit for this, but blaming the game on the refs is weak.
  18. The majesty of the Rose Bowl on full display as the sun sets.
  19. He was our former OC. Would in a heartbeat if our AD had the balls to fire Chip
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