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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Yes. He knows how to build a program.
  2. Not sure. Fisch would be one we'd make a run at. Hartline of tOSU is another. J Smith would have been our #1 target, but alas, we snoozed.
  3. And you'd be wrong. He can't recruit and he can't connect with the few BMDs we have. And his on field "genius" leaves a lot to be desired.
  4. Word is Chip is going to keep his job. We are officially a laughingstock. Big 10 should be fun.
  5. She was a woman of routine. She made the same amount every year. And by the time we got to it, all of the adults were seated and drinking heavily. That couldn't give 2 shits about our plight. They'd have just told us to double up on mashed taters.
  6. We always used to do Christmas Eve at my grandparents, and it was always a traditional Thanksgiving style meal. The youngest kids always had to wait to serve themselves buffet style, and the stuffing, which was magnificent, was always gone by the time I got there. It was always my older cousins who would just hog it all. And they'd just laugh at us youngsters. Pissed me off to no end.
  7. I think you just answered it. Unfortunately Texas' window to get in is pretty tight, and what you laid out may be the only avenue in.
  8. We spent a politics free Thanksgiving with my Maga BIL and his Louisiana wife. They know where we stand and we know where they stand, and everyone was wise enough to keep that topic off the table. Plus, I had scoreboard over his Trojan ass from the prior weekend, so that was my prepared retort should it be necessary.
  9. If they are undefeated, they'll get in over any one loss team.
  10. Ha I remember that meathead. What a tool.
  11. dafuq dat bill in the front. Looks like LeBron on it.
  12. Very familiar. It's a burger place but are most well known for the breakfast burritos. Burritos are on point. 2 locations. One on Arroyo Pkwy and another newer one on Walnut.
  13. Gave it a helluva a shot. We'll be ok.
  14. A party at a Taco Bell sounds like my kinda jam.
  15. We play Marquette tonight. I don't like our chances. We will be good eventually this season, but we are really young and loaded with new Euros that are going to take time to develop.
  16. Is this LR to atm a real rumor? I see nothing on Trojan boards. And they were all abuzz on Sunday with fire CLR after we whooped 'em up.
  17. I'm certain I could not walk it. I'd faint and just roll over the cliff.
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