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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. No, he was the OC but nothing I can recall.
  2. Crack it for me. Drinking very little these days unfortunately. defense came to play today. If Caleb wasn’t so good at escaping it would have been a complete blowout.
  3. Holding SC to 10 is about all we could ask for
  4. He hasn’t been solid. He’s won 6 games in 6 seasons against teams with a winning record. He does less with more.
  5. 2 teams trending in the wrong direction. Chip may be coaching for his job (although I don’t think a win saves him). Bruins D hopefully can get pressure on Williams, but I have a hard time seeing us scoring enough to keep up. 3 weeks ago the season had promise. Not so much now. But this game always matters.
  6. It was tough as a Dodger fan. Paying a dude millions who was sketchy but not guilty. We sure as hell could’ve used his arm this year, losing 4 out of our 5 starters.
  7. I just got my 6th shot. But it’s been 9 months since the last and need to make sure I’m covered.
  8. Us siblings years ago stopped giving each other gifts because it was just that, an exchange of gift cards for the same amount of money. t was stupid.
  9. He has some gems. Like being gifted a partially used roll of weedwhacker string.
  10. I know. Fuck, could you imagine that video if he hadn't been that lucky? Egads!
  11. Watched it a couple nights ago. Excellent. You forget all the movies he was in for awhile there. "Lost in America" is one of my all time favs. "The Desert Inn has heart!"
  12. Looking like they'll do an ND style scheduling alliance with MWC https://sports.yahoo.com/oregon-state-washington-state-moving-forward-with-future-plans-after-victory-in-court-134733816.html
  13. Shouldn't Coach O be on there somewhere?
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