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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. I couldn't make it through the whole thing. Too stressful.
  2. I'll personally pack his bags.
  3. My problem is I can't hardly ever gamble on a fart anymore. I used to fart up a storm. Now every fart is a serious gamble. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the shitter and had a 95% gas, 5% mudblow attempt.
  4. We put in a lot of LVT in our office buildings. The lots don't vary almost at all if it's the same product. Carpet can be harder to match, but LVT is pretty spot on.
  5. These TJ's chips are freaking incredible. It's like you're eating Tgiving dinner with each bite. And these are amazing too
  6. Turns out it was HS recruits on an official UCLA visit. Not a good look. https://www.on3.com/news/pasadena-police-confirm-suspects-colorado-locker-room-theft-versus-ucla-high-school-recruits/
  7. Yep, comical that game got relegated to the wasteland of the P12 network
  8. Never had a McRib in my life. Some say I'm missing out. I'm not one of those people.
  9. Honestly that job seems like a nightmare. Delusional fanbase, unrealistic expectations. Not to mention the weirdo factor.
  10. I read "rats" and" cabin" and was on a totally different train of thought.
  11. We may next year with our B1G money. I'd take a flyer on Urb. But I do want a relentless recruiter, which Chip is not. Not sure how Urb would do without the draw of OSU. A younger hire may be what's needed.
  12. I was legit stressing for the little dude.
  13. The "fire Chip Kelly" train is in full force. I don't think he survives the season. And a loss to SC will seal it.
  14. I don’t think so, but I don’t think we win.
  15. Update. Apparently they did try to deploy the anchor but the devil claw was still attached. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzeSfcNpQiD/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  16. @Ghost of LL @Brisketexan @Pescado_Rojo are all a bunch of old fucks. Not me though.
  17. Been following this on Qualified Captain. Bent rudder and props. Caused by fire suppression system shutting the engines down.
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