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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Sure seems like it. I can see Lincoln bolt to the NFL and SC is back to the drawing board. At least that’s how I’d like to see it. Of course they probably roll us on the 18th and I cry in my beer.
  2. Sc’s d is historically bad. He’ll they gave up 41 to CU, which is as one dimensional as it gets.
  3. Texas wins, aggy and OU lose. Sounds like a good day for you guys.
  4. No you’re not and you know it.
  5. Looks like a very solid tailgate. Good work!
  6. Just saw this is an 11 am kickoff local. Gonna be some early drinking for you fellas.
  7. Flowers are a given. She sells wine so we have champagne coming out of our ears. And she's not really a sweets person. But good thinking. At least it was a serious answer. Buncha jagoffs around here.
  8. Likely going to meet the boy out there next year.
  9. After 27 years, I'm tapped out of ideas. Clothes never seem to work as they tend to just end up in the closet. She loses jewelry. I'm just blanking on things in the $100-$500 range.
  10. My son is in Boston and I think we're going to meet in Newark for the Rutgers game. Definite bucket list.
  11. You can't triple wish a double wish Lloyd!
  12. Agreed. That label is spoken for.
  13. Nah, he's not leaving Deion's team. No chance. Absolutely.
  14. I don't think CU gets to bowl eligibility. The have OSU, UofA, WSU, and Utah. They MAY get WSU, but the others are losses almost for sure. The shine will be off then.
  15. I would have been dumbfounded and likely said something highly inappropriate in response. "I got your full sized right here bitch!"
  16. We normally get a ton of kids but so far not the case tonight
  17. Exactly. Chip Kelly has tried to rely on the portal for a good portion of the OL, and it isn't working.
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