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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Exactly. Caleb may be a HOFer
  2. Trojans turtle, Bruins roll, Dawgs in a fight. Fucking PAC is so fun. So tragic. But go out in a blaze. I love this conference.
  3. Bruins rolling, but the Dawgs have their hands full.
  4. Sbbruin


    Stomach was giving me trouble. A 10mg gummie fixed it right up.
  5. Seriously, I had gathered these guys were weirdos, but openly squeezing your nuts is a bridge too far. That is the weirdest shit I may have ever seen.
  6. Our game on the 28th at the Rose Bowl, with some tarps removed making capacity 67k, is a sellout. By far our highest attendance of the year.
  7. Pretty much no. And yes they are.
  8. Sorry was out of town. I was pulling for UW. Great game.
  9. Problem is too many people are currently housed at the extremes.
  10. Give 'em hell Hate. And @Frieda’s Boss, you got this. Prostate cancer is very treatable, as long as you follow doc's orders. Godspeed.
  11. Well, maybe there’s life yet
  12. This staff was taking us nowhere
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