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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Bruins rolling, but the Dawgs have their hands full.
  2. Sbbruin


    Stomach was giving me trouble. A 10mg gummie fixed it right up.
  3. Seriously, I had gathered these guys were weirdos, but openly squeezing your nuts is a bridge too far. That is the weirdest shit I may have ever seen.
  4. Our game on the 28th at the Rose Bowl, with some tarps removed making capacity 67k, is a sellout. By far our highest attendance of the year.
  5. Pretty much no. And yes they are.
  6. Sorry was out of town. I was pulling for UW. Great game.
  7. Problem is too many people are currently housed at the extremes.
  8. Give 'em hell Hate. And @Frieda’s Boss, you got this. Prostate cancer is very treatable, as long as you follow doc's orders. Godspeed.
  9. Well, maybe there’s life yet
  10. This staff was taking us nowhere
  11. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwVYQuFJ3Jp/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  12. SC offense v UCLA defense should be fun This needs emphasis
  13. I bet they win at least one of these, maybe two
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