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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwVYQuFJ3Jp/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  2. SC offense v UCLA defense should be fun This needs emphasis
  3. I bet they win at least one of these, maybe two
  4. I don’t care for this at all
  5. Bruins won so not as horrible as it could be
  6. Monster game next week in Corvallis.
  7. Back from the RB. Huge win. We had to get that. Back in the top 25. Need to beat the Neavs in Corvallis next week.
  8. This ranks in the top 10 posts in the history of both shaggy and surly
  9. Agreed. We lost a pitcher we really could have used as well.
  10. Just watched "Painkiller" miniseries on Purdue Pharma, oxy, and its destruction. Matthew Broderick as Richard Sackler. Not as good as "Dopesick", but still very intriguing. Amazing what they were doing under the guise of helping people. Straight dope dealers who killed a LOT of people.
  11. Perfect. Exactly my thought. You'd need to stay off any political discussion or you'd want to hang yourself from depression upon arrival.
  12. There's a whole ceremony to Neptune. And you have to remove all traces of the old name from the boat. And pour some champagne out to Neptune. We did it about 8-9 years ago. Just got to Cat. First time in over a year. Much needed.
  13. Sbbruin

    Getting old sucks

    You’re a better man than I. I would 100% be paying someone to do that job as opposed to DIY.
  14. You shoulda wore the old gear and gone for the David Byrne "Stop Making Sense" look.
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