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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. So do we have the story on who this asshole is and what he's charged with?
  2. Stupid cunt. Good. She was just blathering about shit she knows nothing about. FAFO indeed.
  3. The shit happening at UCLA is fucking unacceptable. Jewish students being blocked from accessing areas of campus. Total destruction of campus property. Royce Hall graffiti’s, and defaced. Pisses me off.
  4. I read it. Interesting differences. I think the movie did it right
  5. A couple episodes in and struggling to get hooked.
  6. Dodgers v Dbacks are in a delay due to a bee colony. That’s a first for me.
  7. Still really saddens me that the conference is done.
  8. We do office, and we're seeing huge increases. But not only that, my homeowners carrier won't renew my policy, and a lot of carriers are ditching CA coverage. I'm going to have to pay at least triple what I was paying.
  9. Us olds. I rarely do. But sometimes the hoops you have to go through to pay medical bills online is ridiculous and it's easier to scratch out a check and mail it.
  10. I guess you speak looney better than I. I couldn't make out shit she was saying.
  11. I saw the commercial. Looks good.
  12. I mean yes, I should have been more specific. An Al Qaeda-esque attack.
  13. Three parter. Watched the first part last night. You forget that in the wake of 9/11, everyone thought this was a Muslim terrorist attack.
  14. One of my all time favorites. I’ll look for it.
  15. Nice, where was the top food pic taken? Maggie’s Blue Rose?
  16. There is a huge controversy regarding a proposed plan to eradicate the deer from the island. Bad call in my opinion. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/at-least-being-humane-catalina-island-locals-respond-to-decision-to-eradicate-2000-deer/3265166/#:~:text=Plans to eradicate the species,bison%2C pigs%2C and goats.
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