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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Kersh can still bring it. Dodgers baby. Dodgers.
  2. Dante looking like a freshman
  3. Brutal start. Kid needs to settle down
  4. He was headed to UCLA last year, fully committed but his OC went to OU and he bounced. Then DTR came back so no harm. But I’d rather have Dante Moore than Dillon Gabriel.
  5. I think separating the fans does go a long way.
  6. I went to Tottenham in March. They sell beer, but you can't take it to the seats. And no one leaves the seats during the game, so there's only so much in game boozing you can do. Funny watching countless hundreds guzzling beers as kickoff neared.
  7. I met DC many years ago. As a security guard in college. For one second. And I agree.
  8. zero chance any of them would have gone along with getting rid of a sovereign nation by force. That's a Russian thing.
  9. I tried to rally our troops for some NIL funding last Saturday, but I lost focus. But I was grooving. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxX_uaDuT5c/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  10. Good, they caved and it just makes them look bad. Works for me.
  11. This is getting a lot of pub out here. A local beat reporter reported on something he overheard rather than from something during an official press conference and got suspended from SC football for 2 weeks and had his credential pulled. So bush league. The reporting was positive, just stepped out of protocols. Word is LR was pretty militant with the press in Norman too. https://www.latimes.com/sports/usc/story/2023-09-20/usc-football-banning-reporter-wrong-plaschke
  12. Perhaps the best show I've ever seen was his "The Wall" show at Staples maybe 10-15 years ago.
  13. Who let all this riff raff into the room?!
  14. $700 for my Catalina 36 and that’s with a healthy environmental cleanup coverage.
  15. Sbbruin


    Been struggling a lot lately. I’ve had to take a steroid for the last couple of months that the doc warned would cause insomnia. Well it has and I have really been a mess. Not getting adequate sleep starts really messing with your brain. I’ve gotten somewhat used to sleeping on my back but damn if I can’t stay asleep for more than maybe 30 mins at a time. Insomnia rally sucks.
  16. Please don't compare CU's one outlier season. They have owned the cellar. Not that we've haven't been shitty, but not CU shitty.
  17. They have been an afterthought their entire time in the PAC. This is comical.
  18. What I don't get it why the P12 Network doesn't just basically give it to DTV for pennies in its final season. What in the hell are you holding out for?
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