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Everything posted by Knighthawk

  1. It’s an Election year. You should expect one catastrophic news cycle after another through early November.
  2. So if the US averages around 2.8M deaths per calendar year ... what’s your guess on 2020? Some modest year over year growth is expected. And yeah perhaps a spike of an extra 100k or so over the past month but my guess that is going to be watered down by the end of the year. At risk / elderly people are going to pass away for a variety of reasons. My guess is we will be less than 3M dead. Say 2.95M. And the debates afterward are going to be divisive as ever ... So Call Your Shot.
  3. My wife and I had a few high school sports banquet dinners with the recently murdered Leslie Baker of Preston Hollow. Very nice lady and extremely sad. https://www.fox4news.com/news/16-year-old-arrested-for-preston-hollow-womans-murder Are we supposed to go burn some shit to the ground tonight? Not sure what the protocol is these days.
  4. Mostly feel bad for the players. Those dudes sold out and they were betrayed by a shit offensive game plan that didn’t account for an atrocious playing surface. Finally adjusted after 29 minutes but then went back to the same shit game plan when we finally took the lead late. I can excuse the stupid mistakes late in the game by the players. Should not have been that close to begin with.
  5. Feeling bad for the players. Really played hard but were let down by a shit offensive gameplan that didn’t account for the disastrous playing surface. Took them 29 minutes to figure it out and then inexplicably went back to the same shit game plan when we finally got the lead. i can excuse some of the late game screw ups by the the players. Should never have been that close.
  6. Geography bias in rankings ... 25 of the top 50 recruits on 247 composite are from sec footprint (FL, GA, MS, AL, LA, SC). How is this possible?
  7. 6 out of 7 big12 teams are dogs for their bowl. Only West Virginia is favored.
  8. Fascinating. No doubt arrow is pointing up. Would like to see a few more badasses in the trenches though.
  9. Graduating are all three DL, both linebackers, both corners. That’s seven dudes near the line of scrimmage. A lot to replace. I would tap the brakes a little.
  10. Just got this feeling that the scoring will be much lower than expected. Winner in the mid / high 30s.
  11. Never wished injury....for supposedly smartest assholes on the internet yall cant comprehend sentences for shit Yeah I’m going to call it. Your a fuckin aggy. You tried to hide it by avoiding the ‘cart’ reference.
  12. Agreed. It’s a sensitive topic. Colt took some absolute brutal (and cheap) shots in both college and nfl. Can’t stand it when people wish injury in the game.
  13. Nope not what i said...but in the context of op posts idgaf ...its skins vs boys for division...any cowboy fan who says colt is not a fan and a pussy Well I’m a boys fan and I went to UT. No way am I ok with colt getting hurt in the game ... still want the boys to win but you’re an asshole. No better than the aggy ‘cart’ jackassery.
  14. So you’re cool if colt’s professional career is cut short due to injury? What a jackass.
  15. That’s it. Thanks thunder. Wife asked me after the game and I couldn’t place it. Getting old is tough.
  16. Anyone know the name / artist of the country song they piped in after the ‘eyes’ after the game?
  17. This guy gets it. The offense is not the costing us games right now.
  18. Don’t think we have the personnel to ‘open up the playbook’. We need to work clock and protect the defense that is pretty fragile right now. A couple more dudes like Johnson that have sideline to sideline speed at linebacker and rover would be huge. We still are going to get hit with some deep shots with the secondary but I can live with 14 points or so ... but I can’t stand what I see going on behind our 3 man front. It’s crippling.
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