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Everything posted by Slacks

  1. They tend to spin to the left. I do watch.
  2. He spit something dark into a cup.
  3. What is Zyn? Anti alcoholic or some shit?
  4. Texas would blast ASU.
  5. Toured both Prescott and Daytona. Shitty Prescott campus and even more $. Son is learning Japanese and flying planes in AZ. He's gonna be just fine.
  6. Pro Pilot Program ain't free.
  7. Sun Bunnies gonna party.
  8. I didn't know Sark dipped. I feel even better about 7 more wins Steve.
  9. As a current investor in an ASU undergrad, go Sun Bunnies.
  10. "Random-ass motto"
  11. Random-ass motto...
  12. Business trips are all the same to me: Hotel, office, restaurant, plane, expense report. So why don't you?
  13. wtf is this about poon wars?
  14. wtf did i miss?
  15. I'm going to Boise for work this week, so this hits close to home.
  16. So... Twitter had a baby with Reddit?
  17. ELI5 Let's say I want to find/follow the equivalent of SMB Twitter... What do I do?
  18. So is this twitter, but not Elon Musk?
  19. PiccardWhatIsThisShit.gif
  20. Whatever. I can't imbed.
  21. Watching live. I thought that was Gunnar feeling footsteps. Pass happened almost exactly as it should have. Looked like an old school Pop Pass.
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