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Everything posted by Slacks

  1. Texas would blast ASU.
  2. Toured both Prescott and Daytona. Shitty Prescott campus and even more $. Son is learning Japanese and flying planes in AZ. He's gonna be just fine.
  3. Pro Pilot Program ain't free.
  4. Sun Bunnies gonna party.
  5. I didn't know Sark dipped. I feel even better about 7 more wins Steve.
  6. As a current investor in an ASU undergrad, go Sun Bunnies.
  7. "Random-ass motto"
  8. Random-ass motto...
  9. Business trips are all the same to me: Hotel, office, restaurant, plane, expense report. So why don't you?
  10. wtf is this about poon wars?
  11. wtf did i miss?
  12. I'm going to Boise for work this week, so this hits close to home.
  13. So... Twitter had a baby with Reddit?
  14. ELI5 Let's say I want to find/follow the equivalent of SMB Twitter... What do I do?
  15. So is this twitter, but not Elon Musk?
  16. PiccardWhatIsThisShit.gif
  17. Whatever. I can't imbed.
  18. Watching live. I thought that was Gunnar feeling footsteps. Pass happened almost exactly as it should have. Looked like an old school Pop Pass.
  19. Did we win? Yes. Y'all some hoes? Also, yes.
  20. While I don't follow Alex Jones, I don't believe this is a conspiracy theory. Go back a three generations and I suspect you'll find more children per family. Yes, some of that will be caused by birth control, but in general, women will not want to have 8 babies if they have a career. (And this another reason for birth control.) If you look at those communities where the wife traditionally stays home to be a mother / home maker, they have more children and time to parent them. It's ok to want that for their family. I used to tell my wife we were going to have 8 babies. Having two changed my mind. (I never wanted 8, but 4 sounded manageable. Sheeeeeit.)
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