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Everything posted by Slacks

  1. Biden and Harris have that official capacity immunity.
  2. You realize this is not how his game works right? She could ace said exam, best score ever... He will say it was fake and he knows more about testing than anyone and his scores are higher. It's a waste of brain to even consider it.
  3. Now... When he comes to you this week making excuses while also trying to give faux praise, just nod... "We'll see." He'll shift to UGA game... You know what to do.
  4. He's your son. Beat him.
  5. Paging @UTPhil2006
  6. I don't say shit except "We'll see.",. It's even more lovely. "tu got lucky" "We'll see." "tu looks good." "We'll see." "We are both undefeated in the SEC. Should be good." "We'll see." I'm not validating anything they say. Just waiting on the coaster to do the coaster.
  7. Some.
  8. Slacks

    Texas RB Talk

    Nah. Just needs to practice securing the ball. Blue can play.
  9. Everyone blocks their ass off this season, and I'm here for it. Although, I did see Majors get blown up once (I think he was off balance and someone rushing hard.)
  10. How bout dem apples.
  11. I thought he played like was still feeling a bit of pain / soreness. Today he'll know if he's good to go.
  12. Y'all.
  13. YALL SOME HOES!!!!
  14. Fake doctor who does a very poor job hiding the truth that Kamala Harris is fat and sick. We can all see it.
  15. Y'all some hoes.
  16. Wait until he finds out the current, sitting VP is also campaigning against him.
  17. My old man made this stopper... 1 of 1. He also made the cup in the background.
  18. New avatar...
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