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Everything posted by Slacks

  1. I'm so fn hungry right now
  2. I was being sarcastic / facetious. I knew it would come across differently, because of the topic... But this is Surly.
  3. Carlos hit an officer.
  4. Welp. I don't see the games, and it's still April.... But shit ain't looking good.
  5. Also shown... Chicken Apple Sausage... OLANO homemade sausage... Billy's Crawfish Boudin. An easy Monday night with Four Roses back.
  6. I'm actually somewhat angry that I didn't find this sooner... Smoked Ribeye again... The fat just melts. The hour of smoke is just right. Even at medium, it's juicy tender and delicious. I've been smoking too 123, letting it rest while the cat iron heats up (or finishes cooking other things) then searing for 69sec per side (because duty old black man) I didn't know if you can do smoked ribeye at a restaurant. I didn't need to
  7. The real tipping point:
  8. That's why Haney fights small.
  9. We only start freshmen around here.
  10. So, did I hear or read that Darkness was going to try to talk Israel into recognizing Palestine and Saudi to recognize Israel? Did I dream that it was it the Onion or something? If it's real and he pulls that off he probably gets to be President until he dies.
  11. I suggest you get off the plane in Austin and stay there.
  12. This has a bettor's chance...
  13. Ok... Ain't happening.
  14. Never happening.
  15. No argument from me. There was/is always traffic. It's Houston.
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