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Everything posted by Jatrain

  1. This isn’t a case of some stupid kid getting drunk and making a dumb tweet. He’s a alt-right/white nationalist associated with the people behind Charlottesville. His group at Kstate, America First Students, is a trial balloon for the establishment of white nationalists organizations on college campuses. https://www.irehr.org/2020/02/27/an-affinity-for-bigotry-jaden-mcneil-of-america-first-students/
  2. So I’m somewhat undecided and will be going to vote here in an hour or so, and basically have three issues that are giving me hesitation about Bernie. I’d love for @bad_teammate to give them a shot and win my vote (if he so desires). 1.). I tend to sympathize with Bernie’s proposals: M4A, education, student loans etc. But they seem very pie in the sky to me (especially without a huge D margin in the Senate). I don’t even really care about how he’s going to pay for them. But I haven’t seen him explain how he can actually work within the Democratic Party let alone navigate obstructionist Republican to get something passed? Would he be willing to forgo his ideological wants in favor of actually achievable improvements? 2.) Beating Trump is my #1. Bernie seems to me much easier for Repub to trot out the old socialist/communist boogie man to drive turnout (in different but similar ways that they did with Hillary). Biden seems more difficult because really anything they try with him boomerangs back on Trump in spades (he’s old, nepotism, croonyism, etc). 3.). Bernie bro’s suck and honestly just turn me off. Some of your posting in this thread is an example of this. I’m afraid with Bernie we will end up with a left wing version of purity testing like we saw with the Repubs (and which had led the party to be the disaster it is today). I don’t want to see a Bernie Bro version of Grover Nordquist with power. Any help?
  3. Well, there goes that... @verge: Update: contrary to Trump’s claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/13/21179118/google-coronavirus-testing-screening-website-drive-thru-covid-19 https://twitter.com/verge/status/1238590841721106433/photo/1
  4. Listening on the radio so can’t see how he looks but he sounds terrible (even worse than normal). Can’t catch his breath.
  5. It’s spelled Englewood. Inglewood is in LA.
  6. EMAW is the sound that a sheep makes when it is being violated. As KState fans are VERY familiar with the sound, they’ve adopted it as a type of rallying cry. It makes them remember all the good times they’ve had with their favorite ewes.
  7. Question as a noob on all of this....why does the opinion of this one guy who worked in the DOJ years ago matter so much? It’s not like it’s an actual law, correct? It hasn’t been litigated or is an opinion written by a judge? Why does one guy’s opinion carry so much weight? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. So here’s the question I always have when you are talking about your work. You have these theories (and proofs) that, if true, would basically up-end a lot of physics as we know it. Yet you seem to actively avoid publishing them in the places where they could have the most impact. You publish them in book form, which isn’t going to move the needle in the scientific community and you don’t have a name like a Laurence Krauss or Michio Kaku to get noticed by the lay public. You publish papers on open source places where they are going to get lost in the chaff of hundreds of crackpot theories (tainting you with guilt by association). I recognize the appeal of open source and some of the inherent problems associated with the journal “industry” (for lack of a better term). But it’s also the accepted way that science across multiple disciplines moves forward. If your work is as revolutionary as you insinuate, don’t you have an obligation to submit it into the accepted channels and bring it under actual peer review and scrutiny to see if it truly holds up? When you don’t, doesn’t it, quite frankly, indicate that you’re afraid that after evaluation by professionals it wont?
  9. +1. Raydog vs people who know physics and math = win.
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