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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. I just wanted to add that I really appreciate this thread.  I drink more than the average bear, but I'm generally good with my standard cocktail hour regime.  Lots of wisdom on here and I am glad to have the benefit of all of y'all's life experience if I should ever get off the rails.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 1 hour ago, conVINCEd said:

    I’m 6’1” and the last time I weighed 150 was my freshman year of high school after I had grown a foot over 2 years and hadn’t filled out yet.  Fighting weight was around 190 my senior year when I was playing pretty high level basketball.  I have tree trunks for legs.  Put on 10 not so good pounds the first few years of college and have fluctuated between 200-215 in the 20ish years since.  Covid pushed me to the upper end of that range and I’m now getting back to the lower end of it.  I eat pretty healthy 5 nights a week, exercise moderately, and eat whatever the fuck I want a couple of times a week.  I could probably get back under 200 if I gave up booze, but I’m not doing that. 

    Early 60's. I'm 6'0", was probably around 170 in college.  Got up to 235 during all of the Covid clampdown. Today weighed in at 212, just staying away from bread, wine and beer (yay martinis and neat bourbon!)  I'd be fine to stay at around 200, or maybe a little less.  BMI says that would be bad, but screw 'em!

  3. 25 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    agree.  I have a habit now of asking for the doggy-bag when my meal comes.   If it's too much food, I take some home. 

    My wife and I do that regularly.  Cut in half when it is first served.  Get a container for leftovers.  Personal choice.  Personal responsibility.  Just like whiskey and tobacco.


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  4. The Pit barbecue franchise was fine for its time.  Nothing at all wrong with their chopped beef or sausage sandwiches. 

    We've all since discovered the glories of brisket bark.  

  5. Was a big fan of Ben's Long Branch Barbecue -- the same location that is now Franklin Barbecue.  Always got the mutton when they had it, along with greens and cornbread.

    That location has had quite the history.  Does any place do mutton barbecue these days?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Last I went there was probably five years ago because of a rehearsal dinner and it was not passable. Not at all. The brisket did make me cry. Blech. 

    I only go there when invited for group events.  They source quality meats, and their seasonings are fine,  but they need to cook the brisket and ribs for a couple of more hours before they serve it.  Yields and all, I suppose.  Chicken is OK.  Sausage has too fine a grind to suit me.  Bread and cocktails are good!

  7. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It is. I’ve been. Go.

    Kumbak Burger with Chili Queso Tots and a Lone Star tallboy is a very happy place to be.  Thanks.

  8. I haven't been in to Central Austin in a while.  Is Dirty Martin's on the Drag back in business?  I've seen conflicting reports on-line.  Thanks.

  9. 8 hours ago, Gourmand said:

    I wrapped it in butcher paper around 165 and held it on 200 in the oven while I got more coals going on the fire to keep the temps up longer, powered through the stall much better than previous ones.

    As long you cook it low and slow enough, in my experience it's always pretty fuckin good.

    I cheat.  Mine get wrapped and go into the oven once they get to 4 hours or so.  A hell of a lot less work and I never have heard any complaints about a lack of smoke flavor.  Of course, there's less time to drink unsupervised outside while "tending to the fire" -- nothing comes easy.

  10. Top loader guy here.  Not a fan of all of the bells and whistles on the fancy Asian brands. 

    We didn't buy the cheapest Lowe's machine, but we've been really happy that we went the non-agitator route.  Lots less wear and tear on your clothes.

  11. 1 hour ago, Enchubben said:

    This. I never bother with that stuff and it always turns out great - you just need to fine tune your grill and timing.  3-4 years ago figured out for myself how important it was to let the meat come to room temp before putting on the grill and it makes a world of difference.  Just got get my gas grill up to 80-90% max heat and then 7 minutes on the grill turning halfway. voila perfect.

    On the other hand I have a friend that does sous vide and while I can confirm its great, it takes like 2 hours for him to cook a steak. Ain't nobody got time for that.

    Agree.  Although I'm on Team Reverse Sear, especially if I'm cooking for a crowd and people have different preferences about how rare they want their steak, there are a lot of ways to cook a great steak.  The craziest thing that I've seen, and it actually works, is the America's Test Kitchen approach to cooking a steak that is frozen.  Google it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. I've had tinnitus for 30+ years.  Went to an audiologist when it first appeared and he assured me that I didn't have a brain tumor or anything life-threatening. Haven't gone the treatment route.  I need a white noise machine or a fan on in the background to be able to easily get to sleep, but other than that -- I just live with it.

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  13. 16 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    Was a hardcore frat daddy back in the day; probably would not be in one if I were to be a freshman in 2022 and, while I won't forbid my son to be in one if he so chooses, I won't advocate for it these days.

    IDK, I wasn't a hardcore frat guy, and its been 40+ years since I graduated, but there isn't a day that goes by where I don't have some interaction with one or more of about a dozen frat brothers that have stayed close to each other over the years through marriages, divorces, kids, funerals, business successes and failures, and just general tomfoolery.  Definitely was worth the dues! 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. Just now, markstanco said:

    It’s a very diverse group now vs 25+ years ago.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yep -- admission caps and preferences have really changed what the student population looks like now.  I've heard that most of the "Top 6" frats now allow Austin Community College students as pledges and actives.

  15. 2 hours ago, Mo Horn said:


    We downsized several years ago and choose to live in a luxury apartment. Unfortunately we are not allowed gas or charcoal grills. So sous vide and a cast iron skillet is the best I can do. Or if I don't want to sous vide I do a reverse sear. 

    Reverse sear is the poor man's sous vide -- same concept.  When I don't want to go to the trouble of cranking up a charcoal chimney I can do a passable job with a cast iron skillet super-heated at top heat for a good while in the oven -- then turn on the broiler and add the rested reverse sear steak a few minutes later -- it doesn't take long.  I like to use the oven for this because I'm lazy and don't want to clean up all the sear splatter all over the kitchen.

    TLDR -- you are saving big bucks from downsizing -- enjoy your steaks at the high-end steakhouses!

  16. 1 hour ago, Mo Horn said:

    I get good prime beef and enjoy cooking it myself. I love using my sous vide. But i also enjoy a really good steakhouse that knows what they are doing on occasion. I'm ok paying for the dining experience, and there something to the ultra high heat that they use. It does give it a unique quality. Maybe once or twice a year. 

    I 'd be willing to bet that a full fired charcoal chimney can get temps equal to the salamanders that steakhouses use.  Even when I go to a steak house, I usually don't get a steak.  The best order at most steak places for me is to get a couple of appetizers, like foie gras, steak tartare, lamb, quail, or duck breasts, along with a caesar salad with tons of extra anchovies, and an icy-cold Beefeater martini up with a twist!

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