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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. I was at The Loon's current location right before Thanksgiving.  The drinks are still stiff and pretty cheap.  The food is still great -- did a Rustica  pizza (with Jimmy's sausage) that visit -- very legit.  It's the same guys working in the kitchen.  Cliff sold out a while back, but I hear he still drinks there regularly.

  2. Never have done a cannibal sandwich.  That said, I prefer well-made steak tartare with a quail egg on top over most great steaks.  There is little risk when you make your own from primal cuts.  Not a chance that I'd make it from some off the shelf package of ground beef.

  3. Anybody that is keeping up with this thread in real time should admit that they have a problem.  I'm told reliably that admitting that you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.


  4. Just now, Both Tacos said:
    9 minutes ago, DalTxHornFan said:
    Maybe just a Texas variation on the French tradition of hanging and aging a game bird?

    I've left ducks in the fridge for up to a week. A friend does that everytime and says it makes them tender. I only do it when I don't have time that day to clean them.

    I've done that with turkeys, too.  The traditional French method is to hang them by the neck until the neck rots and they fall to the floor.  I'm not that hardcore.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, CHIEF said:

    When your kid goes duck hunting, but is just too tired to clean the last duck.


    It's not smart to stay out till 2 if you have to get up at 4:30.


    Maybe just a Texas variation on the French tradition of hanging and aging a game bird?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, El Squared said:

    I was on the Drag shortly after the OU  game was over and people we going apeshit, running up to girls in cars kissing complete strangers, horns honking, Chinese fire drills , etc...it was all spontaneous and crazy. Lots of people got laid that night and lots of people threw up.

    I attended that Texas/OU game after having my first Dallas police encounter on Commerce Street the night before -- not formally arrested but detained a bit.  There were lots of Drag parties after that.  Especially when Earl won the Heisman.  

  7. 24 minutes ago, El Squared said:

    His first year ,1977, was my freshman year at UT.

    DKR had just retired and I think that season was 5-5-1.

    Nobody thought we would do shit. Earl was back however and that changed everything.

    Even though we had 2 QBs knocked out in the sooner game, we won with the 3rd stringer, and crushed the rest of the season. 

    Russell Erxleben was the kicker and kicked a 67 yd field goal vs Rice. Brad Shearer won the Outland trophy that season. It was blast until getting smashed by domer in the cold cold Cotton Bowl (Joe Montana? IIRC).

    Anyway, lots of winning. His last season was 8-3 (too lazy to look up).

    Very good times. RIP..


    Ditto for me.  Best Texas/OU game ever.  The post-game parties on the Drag were also great that year.  Thanks, Coach. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    Also agree with this.  I think reverse sear is a generally better approach, and tend to enjoy a RS steak over a SV steak, although we are operating at top flight all around. I do think that there is an advantage for SV with extreme meat, such as a bone in, very thick cut, tomahawk. 

    I'm on Team Reverse Sear.  Thick Costco NY Strips are my usual bag.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Superhero said:

    When the mic on my bluetooth Sony earphones almost never works, until I today when I forget to mute my mic, then proceed to take a leak and flush the toilet. Embarrassing as hell. 

    I had no idea that Toobin posted on Surly.  Welcome!

  10. 6 minutes ago, Tom said:

    There's way more people viewing that site at once than I would ever guessed.  Why are so many people viewing threads that haven't had a post in over a year?  Or is there some type of programming fuckery that makes it look like people are viewing the site that really aren't?





    What happens on Surly changes the world. (Spoken in Walter Cronkite's voice, of course.)

  11. 12 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Wow.  I could actually make this with what I have on hand, with the exception of the cherry.  Of course, cherries aren't grown in Texas. I wonder if a lime or grapefruit wedge would work. The one thing, though, is that it requires some "fore-prep."  I am hoping that somebody would be able to walk into a bar and say "give me a Trace of Texas."  When the bartender says ... "uh, what?"  Then the patron whips out the recipe on his phone and the bartender makes it for him. That's not going to happen if bourbon has to stand or if a double boiler has to be used.  But I love this idea.

    Muddled orange slices and honey added to Bourbon and then strained would likely get you to the same place.  Basically an Old Fashioned with some arguably Texas roots (Ima Hogg).  Sounds like you'll enjoy researching this project! 

  12. Just looked through our older cookbooks.  "The Texas Cookbook" by Mary Faulk Koock (of Green Pastures in South Austin Fame) includes a bourbon cocktail called the "Bayou Bend Special" attributed to Ima Hogg, the daughter of Gov. James Hogg, and apparently "a long sought secret" often served at her River Oaks estate.

    Bayou Bend Special

    • 1 thick-skinned seedless orange
    • 1 Tbs. honey
    • 1 fifth Bourbon

    Slice orange and add honey to orange slices.  Put in top of a double boiler and let steep for 5 or 10 minutes.  Transfer orange slices to a jar, cover with a fifth of Bourbon, and let stand for at least 12 hours, but after 24 hours remove orange slices (if left too long, Bourbon will be bitter.)

    Per Drink

    • Half orange slice
    • Stemmed cherry
    • Jigger of mixed orange and lemon juice
    • Dash bitters
    • Dash orange-flower water
    • 2 jiggers of the above prepared Bourbon, all served over ice


    • Hook 'Em 3
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  13. I always attended the weekly (during football season) "Lunch with the Coach" events at the Student Union during his tenure.  Maybe 75 people in attendance.  Lots of one on one interaction between him and the attendees.  Hard to imagine how much things have changed media-wise since then.  Stay hard, Coach.

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