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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. 1 hour ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    Breathed made a single-frame cartoon about the egg roll wars (circa 1980). The Non La  wearing owners were firing AKs and M-16s at each other from behind their carts. Funny shit you wouldn’t see in today’s trigger-sensitive world.  

    Academia Waltz talk not going away.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bottlecap said:

    Heck yeah, now we're talking. Here's my power ranked top 20 central texas breweries

    20 | Nomadic Beerworks

    19 | Hopsquad

    18 | Yokefellow Beer

    17 | Family Business

    16 | The Brewtorium

    15 | Hi Sign

    14 | Batch Brewing

    13 | Meanwhile Brewing

    12 | Vista Brewing

    11 | Real Ale

    10| The ABGB

    09 | Southern Heights

    08 | Oddwood Ales

    07 | Live Oak

    06 | The ABGB

    05 | Zilker Brewing

    04 | St. Elmo 

    03 | Austin Beerworks

    02 | Pinthouse Collective 

    01 | Jester King

    lets go fuckin get our corch!


    No love for 4th Tap?

  3. 9 hours ago, markstanco said:

    My A&P buddy said the same thing.  The owner of that plane was supposedly a by the book checklist guy, but I guess he didnt notice the 6 foot sticker that said JET-A on the side of the truck. 

    A good friend had a 421 that we flew together on.  He was good about paying attention to the fuel.  He later had a turbo 425 -- Jet A all the way!

  4. 24 minutes ago, immamac said:

    It's just cray its sustained traffic at the level right after the loss on Friday. it got slow when one of the servers was acting up, I fixed it all good now. I will have another server added to the mix saturday in prep for the loss + the news which I expect saturday or sunday.


    You are good people.  Thanks.

  5. Just now, dcbc said:

    It flew for a short while.  He was circling back to the airport when it did a Peter Pan into a trailer park.  I don't know too many details other than he survived the crash long enough to hand the first guy to come upon the wreckage his cell phone and ask him to call his wife.  Sad ending for a good dude, for sure.  He'd been flying for a long time and I'd be willing to bet he had practiced the losing an engine on departure scenario.  But when it actually happened, he wasn't able to make it back. 

    Those "impossible turns" will get you every time.  Put it on the ground.  It's not like there is a shortage of flat places near AMA.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, CHIEF said:

    It's not like the HSB area is a dump. Hell, Bo Pilgrim and John Glenn had houses there. I worked one summer, in between regular jobs, at Bay Marine selling boats and ferrying boats to be worked on. It's as nice as anything on Lake Austin, or any where lakefront I've ever been. They have pretentious clientele and cater to them.


    HSB is a great resort, but there are no great places to eat out there.  Lots of opportunities for private chefs in the fabulous HSB mansions. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Slow night. What time that plane landing?

    I mean I'm not sure I want to do something this fucking stupid and pointless but I could be talked into it.

    Jet Linx facility is at 4309 Emma Browning Ave bldg 4, Austin, TX 78719

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  8. Subscribed.  My bride just bagged her first deer in her 4Runner tonight.  It beat the shit out of the driver side front quarter panel and front end, and the steering wheel airbag deployed.  I'm guessing that means that it is "totaled."  

  9. 38 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    Leftover smoked turkey, queso, hot sauce, hawaiian bun, craft beer. Sometimes the beauty is in the simplicity and laughing when your wife tells you how disgusting your farts are later that night. Gotta show who the alpha male is.


    Yellow Bird makes them some solid products. 

  10. I started my son at 8 with a single shot, crack open, 20 GA.  The safety awareness of that type of gun was more important to me than the kick.  He got to be a pretty good shot since he knew that he only had one.  We went to a youth 20 GA pump when he was 11 or 12.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Can I get a ruling on re-freezing game meat.  I have a bunch that I don't particularly feel like processing further at the moment.  All deboned and everything.  Can I freeze and then thaw when I want to get around to making some sausage and then refreeze without any problems.  I think that I read somewhere that you can freeze-thaw-refreeze without any issues as long as you change the "form" of the meat...example, blending and stuffing sausage. We're not talking steaks or anything here, this would all go into chili grind or sausage. 

    That makes sense to me.  Things like straps and tenderloins cooked whole would suffer.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 3 hours ago, RPM said:

    Forgot to take a pic before I dug in, but I hope you'll forgive me. Wolf Brand Frito pie. It's what's for breakfast.a3c1d2e4865be714e73ebc86fba5d5c8.jpg

    I hope the fancy eatin' bowl isn't an automatic DQ.

    No DQ for the fancy eating bowl, though the beans in the chili are a bit suspect and will count you some points.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, BearSchlong said:

    @Onboard 2.0 best wishes, crazy stuff.

    Every family has that one tragic figure that needs prayers, patience and tolerance.

    First gathering of the holidays- wife's cousin shows up at their grandfather's wake drunk and "injured," said he fell out of a front end loader bucket and broke his shoulder and collarbone but won't go to the ER. He has his arm in a makeshift "sling." Proceeds to wail and cry and generally be an ass, right in front of his grandfathers open casket. Full on Ron Burgundy glass case of emotion the mean man punted Baxter meltdown.

    I comment loud enough for the rest of the family to overhear "riding around my dad's front end loader was cool when I was 9. You're a grown assed man. You're very lucky you didn't land on your head." Didn't help that his long suffering brothers thought this was hilarious.

    (This is the guy that tried to sell me meth at Christmas a few years back. He is 44 but doesn't look a day under 56.)

    After the wake the family went to dinner at a restaurant with a reserved room in the back. I guess he reloaded. About halfway through dinner there is a commotion, my wife gets up and comes and sits to my other side, his immediate neighbors scatter, and my MIL (his aunt) starts yelling at him and telling him he can't get up and talk at the funeral, that he is not going to ruin it with a half hour long drunken self pity slurred speech spectacle. Later she told me that he told her to just scrap her carefully planned funeral arrangements, that he had his own planned out.

    During all this, his arm/shoulder magically heals and he takes off the "sling" and shows full range of unimpeded, pain free motion. Then he remembers he is supposed to be hurt and acts like it.

    Narrator - he didn't come to the funeral service, which was a wonderful celebration of a rich life well lived. In French. With a live Cajun band. And Bob Seger's "Like A Rock."

    Cousin did come to the cemetery service, and insisted on jumping in to help me and the other pallbearers carry a heavy hardwood casket about 100 feet. With his "injured" arm. I had the corner to his left and purposely let it go to see if he would pick up the slack. He did, and if he noticed he didn't react.

    So next is Thanksgiving, first one ever without the Boudreaux family Matriarch and Patriarch, who left us in 2020.

    Aside from the lack of a direct holiday link, this would be a strong to very strong clubhouse leader.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. If y'all are doing a North approach back in to Austin on Highway 29 through Liberty Hill, I can heartily recommend Hunters Creek, a couple of miles north of the Highway 29 and US 183 intersection (Seward's Junction) on US 183 north of 3405.  These guys do a great job -- they have a big picture window where you can watch the processing and it's easy to see how they make sure that the deer you bring in is the deer that you end up with.  They also have a pretty cool video system that lets you check in a deer after hours.  Link:  https://hunterscreekprocessing.com/

  15. Hadn't heard about Greenberg.  Their birds are excellent and consistent.

    These guys are out of Menard, Texas and do a pretty good mail-order mesquite-smoked turkey.   https://www.brisket.net/productDetails.aspx?productID=7322&departmentName=Poultry&productName=Mesquite-Smoked-Turkey,-Size-Approx.-8---10-lbs

    I've used them for business holiday gifts in the past (usually a gift assortment) and they have been well-received.  Their whole catalog is at www.brisket.net.

    Good luck.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 9 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    he was going to play Gruene in March.  then it got rescheduled for June(before Covid really hit) then it got cancelled like 2 weeks after they rescheduled  I had bought tickets when they rescheduled.  I thought it might be Covid but it was strange they cancelled it mid  Feb  only 2 weeks after rescheduling.

    Loved seeing him at Gruene.  Perfect venue for him.  RIP.

  17. "Grandpa had him a wandering eye, must have passed it on down to me.  None of the girls are pretty as Susan, but I like some that I see." -- The pot can't call the kettle black -- from "Riding High"  RIP JJW

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