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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. 1 hour ago, Armybrat said:

    Same here. I watched most of it from a parking lot at the corner of 21st & Whitis.

    That was way close.  Didn't somebody get shot even further away than that?  Like near 19th Street?  As for me, all the neighborhood kids just watched the tower from in the middle of the street in the Shoalwood area once we heard the radio reports.  Amazing that the town was so small that you could have a clear view of the tower from there.  Seeing Austin featured on the Walter Cronkite show later that evening was mind bottling for a kid.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    Clairmont or something like that?  I know what you're thinking of. 

    Marimont Cafeterias.  They had the location on 38th and the one on Riverside which later became Threadgill's (RIP)

    • Like 4
  3. 4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Yeah even as a kid he loved Chicago. He played their music all the time. He actually kind of forced his way into the try out.  He went in, and said I can play anything y'all have done. Apparently he did blow them all away, and got the offer that day.

    I think he slightly knew Tris Imboden, who was playing drums for them until recently, as a means to finangle that audition.  The band has done so much better since they fired Bill Champlin.  Champlin and Lamm openly clashed on stage, I'm told.  Lou Pardini has been a great addition to the band. 

    Sorry to derail the thread.

  4. 1 minute ago, NWBuck said:


    Do you know how bad it has to be to get that many Minnesotan's pissed off and marching?

    (although I guarantee that someone brought a casserole)

    I believe that they call it a "hot dish" up there!

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    Seems like a really wise person once told us:

    Trinity Groves...where restaurants go to die.

    True enough -- but I don't understand it. Convenient location with ample parking.  I assume the rent is way lower than downtown, uptown, park cities or lower greenville.  No reason for that venue to not be knocking it out of the park.  

  6. 10 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Interesting Chicago tidbit... or not.  A friend who went to my HS was asked what he wanted to be when he got his career off the ground..  Lead guitarist for Chicago was his immediate response..  that kids name..... Keith Howland.

    Great story!  I'd read that he aced his tryout with the band.  Remarkable that he's been playing lead guitar for them longer than Kath did.

  7. 16 hours ago, Druggist said:

    I have the same thoughts about punishment when I think about the two pieces of shit that murdered my old suite mate from the Castillion:


    He was a really nice guy who I knew pretty well that one year we lived next to each other.  He never drank or partied and was working his ass off to become an amazing guitar player and architect and I have no doubt he would have accomplished both.

    i still remember a picture of his Volvo being towed out of Town lake on the cover of the Texan or Statesman from the day before I found out he was in it.  It haunts me to think about going that way- being locked in a trunk and drowned with a complete stranger.

    I spotted his memorial Tree at the space center while on the bus tour with my kids a couple years ago.  Fuck those guys that did it.

    Wow.  That's really fucked up.  Mindless crime.


  8. 4 hours ago, austingirl said:


    The thing about roux is that while it's certainly a measure of pride (and the mark of a lot of practice) to be able to make a good one from scratch, it's only two basic ingredients - white flour and a neutral oil. Without the rest of the gumbo ingredients, there's not a big flavor difference between two rouxs cooked to the same color of doneness, whether it's made fresh or from a jar.

    Boy, my coonass aunts and cousins from  Plaquemines Parish would sure disagree!  They once caught my Mom heating up some bottled roux in a microwave and never let that story go about her "cheating on her gumbo" for the rest of her life.

  9. On 5/24/2020 at 5:11 PM, DalTxHornFan said:

    Terry Kath - made it to age 31.


    Quiet around here lately.  Look at Kath beginning around 3:00 of the video to the end.  He's making some amazing sounds come out of that guitar.

  10. 20 hours ago, austingirl said:

    Here's how I make a gumbo.

    Brown all the andouille. I use 4 12 oz packs of Cajun Holler since it's the easiest to get a hold of in Austin. Damn I miss Nick's in PA, though.


    Make a roux. I use 1 cup flour to 1 cup vegetable oil. Back home though I save myself some work and use a jar of Douget's or Savoie's roux. I actually never made roux till I moved to Austin and couldn't find it anywhere but Sambet's on 183. Takes me about 30 minutes to make it these days, now that I have a lot of practice under my belt. If you're worried about messing it up, just keep the flame low and be patient. Here it is about ready:


    Add trinity plus a handful of garlic. I use about 2 green peppers, 2 big onions, and 4-5 celery stalks. Season with a shitload of Tony's and cook about 10 minutes, till the veggies get soft.



    Add about 3 quarts water or chicken broth, the sausage, and more Tony's. Cook about 30 minutes.


    Add 3 lbs chicken thighs, seasoned with Tony's. Cook at least an hour.


    Add 1 bunch each of green onions and Italian parsley. Cook another 15 minutes.


    Plated with a side of garlic bread. Happy Saturday, y'all!


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Nothing better than the smell of the Trinity hitting that hot roux!  Great post.

    • Like 4
  11. 1.       Youth group leader at my church (odd guy, always liked to hang out with younger kids) ended up getting married and murdered his wife and their infant child before offing himself at UT married student housing.  The story is that it was end of the school term -- he was about to fail all of his classes and couldn’t deal with that.

    2.       Hot girl in my HS graduating class started working the pole as a dancer immediately after graduation.  Was murdered (along with her BF/pimp) less than a year later in a robbery/drug deal gone bad.  Murder never solved.

    3.       My cousin’s newlywed bride (2-3 days since wedding) was gunned down when she answered the door at their new home they’d just moved into together in El Paso.  Apparently, a gang drug enforcer/collector went blazing to the wrong address (as he later confessed to the police.)  He did time for this and other crimes.

    4.       The son of a college friend got cross-ways with a Mexican drug gang related to some business transactions.  His body was found floating in the Rio Grande after an extended absence.

    5.       Close friend of my wife was murdered by her husband in a crime scene that was faked as an intruder murder at their home (both my wife and I had been to dinner parties with them in the home.)  My wife went to her funeral and actually hugged the husband and expressed condolences to him.  He was later convicted of murder and is rotting in prison.

    6.       A kid that grew up with my kids and did sleepovers and camping trips with us ended up with a mile-long record related to drugs, theft, weapons and such finally killed a middle-aged woman in a robbery/drug deal gone bad.  He was convicted of murder and now lives in the custody of the TDCJ.   

  12. Surly legal wizards:  Is there any reason that the amicus curiae briefs would necessarily only argue one side (that the court shouldn't accede to the motions of the parties?)  It seems odd that the court appointed this retired judge to present arguments only in opposition.  School me.  Thanks.

  13. We've had that Cuisinart set forever (very solid), but I'm now on team carbon steel.  The stuff that you can buy at restaurant stores like Ace Mart.  Season them up and they are indestructible.  I've been using those pans for everything from omelettes to steaks during the shutdown.


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  14. 5 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    I'd sworn I wasn't going to get on the soapbox, but screw it.

    Small town America is what's going to to blow this thing into the stratosphere.

    All of the hicks pricks and dicks are still not paying attention or believing this thing is for real.

    Nacogdoches had a 460% increase between this Saturday and Sunday.  Sure, it only went from 10 to 46, but fuck people, they look at it like "46 ain't much y'all".  Stupid arrogant, soon to die, or put me and my family at risk mother fuckers...damn all of you ignorant, no precautionary pieces of shit.  Keep going out with no precautions, coughing, sneezing and hacking uncovered I hope you all burn in hell.

    That escalated quickly.

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