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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. Flying Fish is a fun place with a good attitude and the food has always been excellent in my experience.  Gourmet it isn't.  Preston Center for breakfast and lunch.  Design District for lunch or a casual dinner.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Both Tacos said:
    2 hours ago, Anastasis said:
    Some advice on feeding schedules over the spring and summer for the lease? Want to get some protein out and help these guys with some nutrition. 

    Free feed as much as you can.

    Spoken just like a rich feed store owner!  That protein is expensive.

  3. Apparently, SXSW or not -- the shows will go on (from their FB page):
    The Continental Club

    We are still waiting on a couple of confirmations, but it looks like even without the official SXSW our schedule for that week will remain the same! The bands are still coming, no matter what, so our doors will be open for them. We will update our website with any changes or cancelations.
    The Day Parties will still be free, but the night time showcases will now have a cover charge, which is still to be determined. The money will go to the bands to help with their expenses.
    Some things are still a little nebulous, but we're working on it as we speak. Please bear with us as we wade through some murky waters - this is a new situation for all of us!

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Tailgate said:

    Damn...my buddy runs Turf n Surf (restaurants in Lavaca Street Bars). His tacos are awesome and you need to go try them if you haven’t. His blackened ribeye and fish are very, very good. Look at his Yelp reviews.

    Anyhow...he’s having to borrow money to stay open because of SXSW cancellation. Please stop by and support him if you can. I promise you the food is that damn good.

    Good food there.  His situation is exactly the kind of issue that is gonna need to get resolved as a result of the SXSW cancellation.  Capital infusions, lawsuits, bankruptcies or closures. [Why not both .gif inserted here] 

  5. 1 minute ago, CooterBrown said:


    SXSW debunked this a bit ago. None of their insurance covers pandemics and the like. Financially, they’re fucked.


    I still think the point stands.  They are still able to point at the governmental entities for the cause of any liability for cancellation.  It was important for them to get that cover in place before they cancelled what was looking to be a bad event for them after all of the major sponsors started backing out.

  6. 34 minutes ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Just as I figured.  This "public health crisis" was very calculated in order to trigger certain important contractual provisions:



    I think that there may (or should) be some folks drafting a freeze and spoliation notice for all communications between the COA, Travis County. SXSW and related entities as we speak tonight.  This change of course all didn't magically come together since Adler's press conference on Wednesday.

  7. 2 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Interesting that SXSW is relying upon the actions of the City of Austin, a beneficiary of the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity, as the basis of its decision to cancel the event.  I can't imagine all of the potential contract breach, business interruption and other claims that will be in the offing as a result of this cancellation.

    Just as I figured.  This "public health crisis" was very calculated in order to trigger certain important contractual provisions:



  8. 1 hour ago, 4th_and_18 said:

    All of my related contracts have a force majeure clause that says if Austin declares an emergency we are not liable for any expenses. We needed Austin to declare an emergency so we can start canceling our events. I imagine sxsw has the same clauses in their contracts. Adler just didn’t know that he had that power. Which is weird. And so Austin.

    If that's the case, then our friends in the bankruptcy bar will be busy.  There's no way that this cancellation won't have a shit-ton of devastating negative financial impact on many local Austin businesses.

  9. Interesting that SXSW is relying upon the actions of the City of Austin, a beneficiary of the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity, as the basis of its decision to cancel the event.  I can't imagine all of the potential contract breach, business interruption and other claims that will be in the offing as a result of this cancellation.

    • Like 1
  10. Sounds like errbody agrees that Schumer's actions today are indefensible, but Orange Man Bad, so there's that. 

    Ad hominem responses unrelated to Schumer and his statements today is a weak strategy.  Good luck with that. 

    Schumer is gonna end up having to walk back every word of it and make a full apology.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Jerry Callo said:

    My favorite kitchen appliance is a vacuum sealer.  I use that thing every day and much more than I thought I would.  

    Ditto on the vacuum sealer.  I use it to individually seal steaks before freezing them after we do a bulk purchase at Costco.  Also good for freezing portions from large batches.  My deep freeze has a couple of batches of venison chili and some Italian meat sauce sealed, frozen and at the ready.  Also pretty easy to reheat/defrost stuff in the bag using sous vide approach with warm/hot water.

  12. 5 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    That association may call itself a union, but teachers do not have the right of collective bargaining, which for most people is what defines a union. The district would not have to "deal" with Education Austin in any way, shape, or form if they discipline, reassign, or fire this guy.

    Wrencher could be removed from the classroom tomorrow by the district, and other than maybe getting the rest of this school year's pay, he's out of a job. And neither Wrencher, Education Austin, the NEA, the AFL-CIO or the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa could  do a thing about it.

    Good point, but I bet they are pretty good at creating public controversy about "racism" and such -- the type of stuff that incumbent school board members would rather avoid by writing checks to the disgruntled.

  13. 3 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    No teachers' unions in Texas brah.


    The district could get rid of him today, and all the district would have to do is pay him for the remainder of his contract. (And the district could probably get out of that if they could prove he knowingly violated district policies). Unless AISD signs multi-year teacher contracts, which I would bet they don't, the district is out the remainder of this guy's pay for this school year, 4 or 5 or maybe 6 months, so 25K at most.

    But the district wouldn't do that. They would reassign him to tutor in the learning lab or some shit until the end of the school year, then not resign him next year.



    That will all be news to the fine folks at Education Austin.

    "Education Austin is the labor union for certified and classified employees of the Austin Independent School District. Created in 1999 from the merger of the NEA-affiliated Austin Association of Teachers (AAT) and the AFT-affiliated Austin Federation of Teachers/Allied Education Workers (AFT/AEW).

    Education Austin is the first merged local in Texas and is affiliated with the NEA, AFT, TSTA, Texas AFT, and the AFL-CIO. It is by far the largest organization for AISD employees".

    Link: https://educationaustin.org/

  14. 2 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    so...my niece knows them both (student and teacher). she wasn't there but her take (pardon teenage parlance and stream of consciousness):

    " mr wrencher really enforces like... acceptance and equality and apparently the joke was anti-semitic so mr wrencher kicked him off and then the kids parents were like wtf we're jewish chill and mr wrencher was like no omfg it's either me or him. the story is accurate haha. everyone thinks it's so stupid it's equivalent to a black person saying the n word. like he's reclaiming the term bruh, chill "

    it does seem like that's the story

    What a dumb fuck.  AISD will hire some high-powered outside counsel and then write a couple of big checks to make it all go away.  Then they will have to deal with Mr. Wrencher and the teacher's union related to his employment situation.  So much stupid here, but par for the course.

  15. New stuff from Jeff on his Jeff Ward FB Fan Page:


    To avoid being caught up in SXSW clutter, my marketing team has decided to push back its substantial campaign a few weeks. You’ll love the ad campaign; it’s “vintage Jeff.”

    I (along with my producer, Johnny), will be live on April 13th, and there will be plenty of ways to access both live AND recorded shows. (And no, KLBJ is not involved.)

    See you soon,

  16. Interesting about The Windmill.  Haven't been there in a long time.  Inwood Tavern and Ivy are both legit places.  Glad y'all had fun at Grapevine.  I need to get out and dive bar some more.  I miss the old Loon and haven't been to the most recent location since Cliff sold the bar.  Perhaps the next Loon location will recapture the magic of the original place?  Let's hope.

  17. 2 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    5 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:
    I've gone with a couple of new carbon steel pans since I read a piece about them in the WSJ this past December.  I am very gruntled with them.  Once you get them seasoned, they are as slick as any of the "non-stick" pans plus you can use metal implements without worrying about damaging anything.
    The other thing I purchased along with the carbon steel pans is a chain mail scrubber.  Works great on my carbon steel pans and my cast iron pieces. 

    Which ones did you get?

    I bought the World Cuisine pans that Amazon was hawking on sale right around Christmas.  It was a shot in the dark experiment, so I don't know if pans that are more expensive would be any better.  The chain mail cleaner is called "The Ringer."

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