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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. I've gone with a couple of new carbon steel pans since I read a piece about them in the WSJ this past December.  I am very gruntled with them.  Once you get them seasoned, they are as slick as any of the "non-stick" pans plus you can use metal implements without worrying about damaging anything.

    The other thing I purchased along with the carbon steel pans is a chain mail scrubber.  Works great on my carbon steel pans and my cast iron pieces. 

    Candure Cast Iron Cleaner Stainless Steel 7x7 Inch Chainmail Scrubber for All Types of Skillet Griddles, Cast Iron Pans, Grills & Dutch Ovens

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    In that clip, 

    When talking about the low number of cases and zero deaths he states, and I quote: "...a lot of that is attributable to the fact that we closed our borders very early."

    When did we close our borders?

    Instead of focusing on his illiterate mush brain, we should be targeting in on his blatantly lying mind with that statement.

    He's likely talking about this action taken in January, which he took a lot of criticism for at the time.  Looks like it was a pretty good idea:


  3. 1 hour ago, midtown said:

    I was there 6 mos ago for a wedding dinner.   It was good to very good but there are better places but the atmosphere cant be beat I ate everything on my plate twice.   Mi Tierra is the equivalent of the Salt Lick for BBQ.  

    Not a bad analogy, but I have a difficult time eating much of anything on my plate at Salt Lick.  Somebody needs to explain to them how collagen breakdown works.

  4. 2 minutes ago, PorscheGuy said:

    There’s always the Rattlesnake bar at the Ritz. Might Not necessarily fit what you are looking for but it might be the most entertaining people watching in Dallas. You can simultaneously get propositioned by a hooker while a 68 year old man hits on your wife all before you get approached by swingers who are PGA tour groupies.

    I have no doubt that all of this is true.  Fun bar!

  5. 13 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I also threw out the Grapevine -- haven't been there in  years.

    That's closing in on "dive bar" territory.  That said, its a fun place and you just never know who or exactly what kind of crowd you'll see there.

    Mansion bar or the Library bar at the Melrose (whatever it is called now) are fun on weekends.  Cheers.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, UTCzech III said:

    Jeff Ward to the Horn?  That's one theory floating around the JW fan page on facebook, I could see it.

    Except for the fact that his wife debunked that theory earlier in the thread.

  7. 16 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Their cabrito is good.  Not El Azteca good, but then again, El Azteca is gone now, so...



    Sad story there.

    • Like 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, Lobo said:

     Like the play by El Arroyo but begs the question—-how the hell are they still in business too?   

    Winstanley's have screwed the pooch at The Ditch and had to bail out at The Tavern.  Not impressed with their show at all. 

  9. 1 minute ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Not saying this is the thing to do, but you might explore a 401k loan.

    The interest on the CC loan is murder.  You will lose  return on the 57k, but can pay it back on a five-year schedule, or faster if you like.  And probably with payroll deductions.

    That was my first thought, as well.  Way better interest rate on a 401k loan.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    Not sure what the buy point is for LUV (or B), but IMO if/when the 737Max is back logging passenger miles B is going to have to give LUV an incentive to order more. As LUV has talked about diversifying from their 737 fleet, and B will want to keep them in the fold. 

    2 years from now, if we all aren't dead from the CoronaPlague-19 then LUV will be in a good spot - based on the Max issue; who knows what else between now and then. 
    It will turn bad if there are town/cities that go on lock down in the US and flights get grounded.

    I'm long on both LUV and BA.  I've averaged down on some of the recent lows.

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