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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. 1 hour ago, Sparky said:

    Who's going to try this one out first?  Prices are what you would expect for Pappa Bros, $28.95 for a  plate of brisket.  Plus the menu seems a bit busy.






    Who needs brisket at Pappa's? I'd never make it past the Appetizer section of the menu.  Southern Fried Green Tomatoes, House-Smoked Boudin, "Nashville Hot" Fried Texas Quail and Sticky Pork Belly Bites all sound pretty good to me. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, TDunk said:


    That depends.  Do you want them speaking French, or bitches that have crossed over from Detroit (illegally)?  Either way, both groups may have women that have worked at the strip club Beef.  

    The Windsor corps de ballet was always very fine.

  3. 1 hour ago, blacklab said:

    Overall pretty happy compared to a few years ago.

    Bob Cole needs to shut the fuck up when Sam is trying to communicate with his teammates, and at all other times.


    Agreed. Fixed one sentence.

  4. Sundown happy hour at Duke's by the south Marriott is just about as good as it gets in Hawaii.  Perfect last stop before you get on the jet back to the mainland at LIH.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    A really puzzling part is why the FBI and Treasury agents spent so many resources to raid their old HQ in the Frost Tower when it was common knowledge around Austin that they moved into that old A&M building at 9th & Lavaca.  No files left up there, no computers, nothing but some bare-boned furniture and coffee makers.  Treasury and FBI only raid old sites for one reason.  

    I heard a rumor that the FBI's target at Frost Bank Tower was Maxwell Locke & Ritter, supposedly WCC's outside accountants.

  6. 3 minutes ago, bigup2dahorns said:

    I wasn’t aware of this but a good friend of mine ate at the Bob’s on Lemmon in the past few weeks and said Bob was in there. He said Bob bought back that location within the last year and he took my friend on a tour of the kitchen and gave him a golf shirt and my friend said the food and service was excellent. Maybe I missed an article about it but I didn’t hear about Bob being back.


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  7. 5 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    I keep my head on a swivel every time I’m driving down 2222/Koenig by McCallum to make sure Dart Bowl hasn’t been bulldozed. I haven’t been in 3 years, so I’m as guilty as everyone else if they eventually have to close. 

    Guilty, guilty, guilty.  Going every day this next week to atone.  Same thing for Dirty's and The Tavern.  We got's to keep some of these places from going condo!

  8. 7 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Guess it depends on when you grew up in Austin.  Saltines were pretty common through my childhood in the 70s and early 80s, not just at El Patio.  But it definitely seems to have tapered off through the 80s.

    Yep, all those places served saltines to my kids in their high chairs back then.  The grown ups had chips and salsa with their beer (and margaritas, after Gov. Connally got the legislature to pass liquor by the drink) -- good times.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    A little bit of both. Too slow, too heavy and or too aft loaded and there’s not enough rudder to counteract the asymmetric thrust and torque. But a 9 ft diameter speed brake providing asymmetric drag that adds to the asymmetric thrust and torque while inhibiting acceleration is obviously doing no one any favors. 

    I have 600 hours of King Air time, and remember having an auto feather system, but can’t remember a thing about it. It could be as simple as not arming the system. 

    Thanks, Bobby.  I've only been a pax on some King Air charters, but one pilot in particular explained to me why they were doing a big engine run-up to test the system.  Said that it was a daily requirement.

  10. 1 hour ago, RPM said:

    Not a pilot, but from what I understand feathering/not feathering the dead engine wouldn't be as much of a problem as the single engine torque wanting to roll the aircraft and not enough speed/alt to counter with controls. Do we know what their TOW was?

    Useful load of that model is around 5,100 lbs.  I'm sure that they will be looking at that issue given the 8 adults and 2 older teens on board and the flight destination. 

    Also, as I understand it, the autofeather feature also has a rudder boost that kicks in to counter the single engine torque mentioned in your post.  But, the plane's gotta have some speed for the rudder to have much effect.  Tragic situation no matter what ended up going wrong.

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