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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. Not that you are wrong, but what Gus actually said was: "The only healthy way to live life is to learn to like all the little everyday things – like a sip of good whiskey in the evening, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk, or a feisty gentleman like myself.”
  2. Pro tip: If Bill Bunch is for it -- oppose it.
  3. See above. My work funded this stuff. Santa Claus is a myth.
  4. Good point. I'm sure that I'll do the highest deductible plan that I am allowed to! And don't forget the fact that there has been a shit ton of money paid into that plan by my employers (mostly me since I turned 40 or so and always ran my own shit) paid in to support this scheme.
  5. Negs alone do little to advance any discussion.
  6. Thanks. That might have been a bit bit harsh on my part! I still have a hard time with having the government playing such a big role in basic healthcare. Do you really need to file an insurance claim for every oil change and tire rotation on your car?
  7. Similarly, we had Big Al's on Inwood in Dallas cater a party for us. Not Franklin's, but they did a great job.
  8. Not following your argument. I see 2010.
  9. Really? All those folks can't afford healthcare without Big Daddy?
  10. Thank you, Penelope, for letting the board know that I am polite and respectful to other Surlyites that I may disagree with in my (supposedly/anticipated/expected) private conversations.
  11. I don't think so. Not a guest. I've been around for at least the last two boards. That said, that isn't a bad thing for somebody to say.
  12. We are gonna need a menudo thread for this pot!
  13. Thank you, Penelope. Your extended middle finger always adds so much to our reasoned discourse on this forum. It would be way cool if you would participate somehow.
  14. I never brought up your diversion about sedition. Not relevant to this thread.
  15. Thank you for diversion from the actual recent subject of this thread: 1. Are people really leaving Texas in droves? 2. Is it bad that the pandemic era rules are returning to the pre-pandemic rules after the pandemic is over?
  16. Thanks for not answering my question and lumping it in with an unrelated subject, Penelope. What is funny is that this latest surge in the thread is based upon a so-called "Business Insider" piece that hangs its hat upon an unsourced Reddit comment!
  17. You have such a pretty finger, Penelope. It would be way cool if you ever debated on the merits. How long should the pandemic measures continue?
  18. Thanks. So it is an unspeakable tragedy when an emergency pandemic era policy ends (only after the pandemic is over) and the pre-pandemic policies are re-instituted? "Emergency" measures forever! Never let a good crisis go to waste -- amirite?
  19. That's aggy BOR Robert Albritton's G-4. The same one that is all dressed up in an aggy livery -- used for the famous "Welcome Jimbo" video with the aggy band playing.
  20. I've always heard that that Hudson's has a good reputation, though I've never used them. I've been using Hunter's Creek near Liberty Hill for a while. Very clean, professional (and apparently successful) operation. I like their automated 24-hour drop off since I come back in from the lease on Hwy 29, often late nights. https://www.hunterscreekprocessing.com/
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