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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. I just wish that there was some way that I could say "Thanks for the gang bang" without violating "the rules" about needing to post pics about this subject! So many negs, so little time. The group-think in this place on this subject is beyond dumb. People are not going to sell/surrender their lawfully owned guns. Criminals are always going to have access to guns. Imprison/Execute or otherwise keep criminals away from the rest of society. Keep legal citizens armed and secure. Stay safe, kids.
  2. Does C-Man have some alter ego's? It doesn't matter -- I'm happy to debate with all of them.
  3. You seem like a smart guy, and very knowledgeable about insurance things, but you seem to be blinded by Dem party theology. There has got to be more to that story.
  4. Let's take this up in person at Lee Harvey's on the Friday before Texas/OU.
  5. You may disagree with me on many subjects, but I am no troll. I go to Surly events. I'll tell you my handle. Many know my name. Hook 'em!
  6. Despicable deflection from what anybody was talking about. Some fool was talking about me being a troll up the thread Slavery on a gun thread in 2023. Nice!
  7. Put those Meatheads to work before it gets too hot tomorrow!
  8. Thanks, errybody. I DGAF about rep, but I enjoy debate and would like to honestly discuss the difficult issues that we deal with in our country. I seem to be swimming upstream against the prevailing political orthodoxy here. Great that Texas Football starts on September 2nd! Hook 'em!
  9. I heard Biden say some of that shit last week. "How fucking stupid do you think we are?" https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2022-09-02/biden-bungled-talking-point-ar15-muzzle-velocity-7193450.html#:~:text=A 9mm handgun%2C the most,faster than the 9mm handgun.
  10. Man -- that is a two way street. Other counties should chime in. Sill pissed about the Austin vacant homeless hotel in Williamson County.
  11. Middle fingers vs. facts. Very telling. Thanks to each of you for your admissions against self interest.
  12. Many thanks to all of the mass neggers. It is useful to learn how many of you lack a basic understanding of legal firearms that American citizens have a right to own. Semi-automatic firearms -- the kind that send a single bullet for each trigger pull have been around for the last hundred years or so. The normal round for an AR-15 (who's name reflects the manufacturer --Armalite -- not Assualt Rifle) is a .223 which is generally appropriate only for small game and white-tailed deer at close range. But carry on with your scare tactics. All the best.
  13. Cool. None of the above gyrating is gonna change people. Enforcing existing laws might. I'm not optimistic about the human condition, though.
  14. Worth a trip. That and Marfleless, Wednesday through Saturday.
  15. Thank you. I appreciate reasoned discussion and debate.
  16. The record will show that I have posted on this thread a fair amount today -- but I have no fucking idea of most what you are are talking about, and the little that I do understand has no relationship to what you are talking about.
  17. I appreciate the above discussion -- but wow, does anybody think that we are close to that in American society? Not this guy.
  18. Thank you for the reminder that new hunting licensees have to take hunting safety classes. It has been a while for me.
  19. I don't see your point. People without mental capacity have restricted rights.
  20. Yes, if legal for them. AR-15 is just a gun. A modern sporting rifle. There is nothing special about it. Most only shoot .223 cartridges. The idea that it has some kind of magic firepower is dumb.
  21. Correct me if wrong, but I don't think that criminality is considered a mental health problem in our legal system.
  22. Our society relies upon a social contract. Some fuckers violate that. Gubmin't cant to do a damn thing to make people better.
  23. And should a 16 year old be able to drive a 2,000+ lb car? Both can be dangerous if used improperly.
  24. For people that lack capacity, sure.
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