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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. I do have an new idea. Let's look at how many shooters have had prior contact with law enforcement or mental health. (Most, I'm guessing.) Let's work on stopping dumb stuff before it happens. The guns are just a tool of the crazy guys.
  2. No dead kids have resulted from my exercise of my constitutional rights. Perhaps some dove, deer, turkeys, quails, and pigs.
  3. Cool. It's pretty clear where all of y'all stand. Who amongst all of you is ready to turn in their guns?
  4. Why do I need a gun? I am an American with civil liberties. I and my family live in a rural area, many miles away from any law enforcement. I am a licensed hunter. Guns are important to me.
  5. Your travel posts are great. Thanks.
  6. Can you refute? There is lawlessness and gun violence going on in big cities that is being laid off on lawful gun owners like me.
  7. Thanks. I believe that the stats you guys all cite are heavily influenced by gangbanger-type stuff. Look at big city shooting violence. They are criminals and DGAF about laws.
  8. So, just to be clear, you are asking me to give up my constitutional rights?
  9. The only place like that I know is Armando's in River Oaks -- and only on Thursday nights.
  10. All of you "mass neggers" on this topic (no racist) -- are definitely not advancing civil debate. I enjoy civil discussion. This is a complicated issue. There are a lot of very smart people on this forum. It would be great if we could engage a bit.
  11. I can't speak for errybody, but I got the joke! it has been a private event venue for a long time.
  12. I'm pragmatic, not ideological. I don't see how anybody is going to be safer if my guns or your guns are somehow "controlled." Criminals, by definition, are lawless.
  13. Obviously not. Murder has been adjudged as illegal for a long time. Yet it still happens, notwithstanding the legal (and moral) constraints against it. The non-murderers have a constitutional right to defend themselves from criminals (who assuredly will be armed regardless of what sort of law is invoked).
  14. Funny! I don't think poaching became a felony in Texas until sometime in the 1980s.
  15. Both are great posts, Ziggy! I'm guessing that your Mom had access to the Robinson Ranch?
  16. How much deeper would they need to go to build some taller structures? That could be a great land use.
  17. As always -- a very concise explanation!
  18. Penelope has such a pretty middle finger -- can anybody imagine what kind of person would object to "You shall not murder"?
  19. I'll be OK, as long as I live to 350!
  20. Private sales? Big whoop. What percentage of total gun transfers is that? I bought my lever .308 Savage 99 that I hunt with from my BIL's 30 years ago after my FIL died, and to use your words "without ANYONE knowing about it" -- do you really want to make a big issue out of stuff like that? P.S. -- Thinking about it, most all of my current firearms (10-12?) have been inherited or gifted. My experiences with the current background check scheme relate to a youth 20 gauge and a .223 that I bought for my son as he was growing up.
  21. You know better than this. Legitimate gun purchases require background checks. Criminals don't follow laws.
  22. "You shall not murder" could be a useful classroom instruction.
  23. OK, I'm sure the China scholar/murderer used some kind of "assault pistol" that would have been banned if the non-R's had been in charge.
  24. I get what you are saying. This Garza fellow has not inspired confidence thus far.
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