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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. Not sure what you are looking for, but I don't think that Dos Salsas gets enough love. They have a store on Burnet Road right across from The Domain. Usually pretty high energy. Very big menu and lots of solid Tex-Mex, seafood, fajitas, etc. and great Mexican Martinis.
  2. It was only closed by President Clinton because of White House security concerns right after the Oklahoma City bombing. Yay McVeigh & Nichols! They were apparently urban planners as well as anarchists! (Cross-post with Brat)
  3. This idea has been getting kicked around forever. If it made any sense, it would have happened by now. https://austin.towers.net/get-lost-in-this-1976-vision-for-a-new-congress-avenue/?pro=jude@towers.net
  4. State Street in Madison, WI has not worked out great. https://www.governing.com/assessments/the-strange-troubled-history-of-pedestrian-malls.html
  5. I don't have any connection or personal experience with either of these firms, but they've been advertising in the Texas Society of CPAs magazine forever. YMMV. Good luck. CLARUS PARTNERS - NATIONAL SALES TAX COMPLIANCE AND ADVISORY FIRM Do you have questions about sales tax? Need help with multistate compliance after Wayfair? Taxability issues? Audit defense? Refunds? Business registration and licensing compliance? Voluntary disclosure? Let us be a resource for your firm and your clients. Clarus Partners is a national sales tax compliance and advisory firm. With offices across the U.S., our four partners have a combined 100+ years of experience in this arena. Let us know any way we can help. Steve Hanebutt, CPA Clarus Partners | This firm is not a CPA firm 972-422-4530 | claruspartners.com | stevehanebutt@claruspartners.com MICHAEL J. ROBERTSON, CPA Texas Sales and Mixed Beverage Tax Solutions Client audited, liability, needs a review, we have found errors and changed the liability. Does your client have a compliance issue or general question about sales tax? Call our team of sales tax experts. Our team provides over 100 years of experience with the Comptroller of Public Accounts as former auditors and supervisors. We work to ensure a fair audit. Should your client need a payment plan, we’ll negotiate with the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Call 817-478-5788 or 214-415-4333 Texas Sales and Mixed Beverage Tax Solutions
  6. I feel the same way about field sobriety tests. Haven't dealt with one yet, but that will be a hard no for this guy. I'm so awkward that I couldn't pass one if I was sober as a judge (I know!) in broad daylight. Add in the stress of being pulled over by the side of the road at night when you likely have had a couple of drinks but are probably fine. Flashing police car lights and oncoming car traffic lights. No thanks. I'll take my odds on a blood test and try to come across as coherent and good humored on the police body cams. It worked for Jeff Ward. Not so great for Augie.
  7. I think that lawyering up was the main point of that video upthread.
  8. Great party host! See you on Saturday with many of my drunken frat brothers and their very patient wives!
  9. What crazy stuff we all do for clients!
  10. There was a Texas Pike I knew that was convicted of bank robbery - from inside the bank!
  11. I will never forget how wet, cold, and miserable I was at that Cotton Bowl game. Even worse on the drive back to Austin!
  12. All the feeders are set for 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. at my place.
  13. That Lakeview place was fun - Craig Gatewood, of early El Arroyo fame, was the main guy there. I don't think they had much choice about relocating. I think that LCRA wanted that dirt for their purposes.
  14. Is Texas One involved with the Friday night party? (Was inviting some Texas One donors.)
  15. Fire/Boom. It's not political, in fact, it is chemistry and science.
  16. Florida changed their building codes post-Andrew (1990-ish?). Lots more concrete and the increased ability to withstand sustained winds. Once destroyed, the older structures are not allowed to be rebuilt unless to new standards.
  17. Pretty sure that I45 is set up for one way evacuation lanes up until around Madisonville.
  18. Moral hazard is a subject not discussed much when the big damage numbers are thrown around that supposedly indicate that hurricanes are becoming more intense. Federal flood insurance programs and the state sponsored Citizens Insurance program, pricy as they may be, shift a lot of risk of the development of these areas from their owners to taxpayers.
  19. The Midway aircraft carrier was pretty damn cool the last time we were there. Very well restored. Definitely gives you a sense of what that Greatest Generation went through.
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