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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. Got it. It's a potential Harris County indictment. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/12/16/alex-triantaphyllis-hidalgos-chief-of-staff-indicted-in-11m-covid-19-contract-controversy-to-pursue-new-opportunity-office-says/
  2. Isn't she rumored to be facing a federal indictment?
  3. Music to my ears!
  4. Coach Gus would have had another CWS Championship but for that bullshit, made for TV, single game "championship" given to Wichita State in 1989 when Texas was dominant and undefeated and Shockers already had one loss going into the "championship" game.
  5. 1998 is 18 years after Armadillo World Headquarters closed. You're gonna need a bigger Twilight Zone.
  6. I'm old enough to remember way back when Zilker Park had a functioning mini train for kids: https://www.zilkertrain.org/zilker-eagle-construction-updates/ Train Prep & Testing Adjustments must be made before the train can run on the new rail (e.g. rail height, railway switches, loading dock, etc.). Construction timelines will dictate the exact timing of this phase, leaving ample time for safety and efficiency testing. Estimated Completion: ONGOING
  7. 11259483 CLARNER JENNIFER 2224573 12/09/2022 2111-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED BAC >= 0.15 An attractive woman. Hope that she gets her shit together and we don't see her here again..
  8. To the extent that legal fees, or any other expenses for that matter, are related to the overall administration of the estate, they essentially come off the top. They are directly charged against the corpus of the estate. Any distributions to beneficiaries will be made from the remaining balance of the estate.
  9. Agreed on old head. Nice deer. He'd be dead on lots of deer leases. Hope y'all can keep him around for another go at the gene pool.
  10. What do y'all age him at? Not much belly.
  11. I am pretty sure that is the first service picture that I've seen from Korea where the guys didn't look like they were freezing their asses off. Nice cigar!
  12. I'd be sure to pack in a couple of bottles of wine in my car, just in case. There are elements of a family Christmas dinner that can't just be left to chance.
  13. My paternal great grandfather with his family in front of his Nacogdoches County homestead in 1909. The baby on his lap is my grandfather. This was great grandfather's second family as his first wife died in childbirth after 4 kids delivered. CSB, is that my great grandfather died of infection from a bull goring while working a cattle round-up on horseback when he was in his 80s.
  14. I had a ne'er do well childless Uncle (one of three kids) that asked my Grandfather for his share of his future inheritance when he was around age 40 and my Grandfather was around 70. My Grandfather was heartbroken that he'd raised such a greedy and ungracious child and their relationship was never the same after that. The happy part of the story is that my Uncle drank himself to death before he turned 50. All of the inheritance went to the remaining two siblings. FAFO.
  15. Of course, then my Dad would have to learn how to do transactions on the internet and wouldn't have an excuse to periodically go into town to chat with the cute bank tellers! Interest rates aren't everything!
  16. It seems very odd that the turbulence was that close in to HNL, yet the flight crew/ATC was apparently unaware and unprepared for it?
  17. Costco NY Strips are my go to. Buy the packages and individually vacuum seal the individual steaks and freeze them on a flat tray for later use.
  18. Yep. I help my 87 y/o Dad with some of his financial stuff and he loves the simplicity of having his "ready money" in a bank CD ladder.
  19. FIFY.
  20. Fair enough. But the other side of that coin is that when a company is putting together its capital structure, debt is almost always considered to be cheaper than equity. Certainly company management (and the bond holders) are interested in being able to make their periodic interest nut, but the bigger management objective is to make their business enterprise and thus its equity more valuable. There is a lot more upside (even noting risk factors) with long-term equity investments in solid companies. Also, under our present tax code, long term capital gain income is much more valuable than periodic interest income. There is a place for both debt and equity investments, but I think it ultimately comes down to your investment horizon and liquidity requirements.
  21. Apparently, there is very serious debate out there on this subject. (I'm on Team "Fracking") Fracking Vs Fracing – The End of the Debate? https://drillers.com/fracking-vs-fracing-end-debate/
  22. DalTxHornFan


    Those ISOs are fun to listen to! That wah-wah pedal!
  23. We always used Hines for our pools with decent results, but I've (happily) been out of the pool game for almost 10 years and have no clue about controllers and wi-fi stuff. Mechanical timer boxes were more my speed! Good luck.
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